Retired Maj. Brunner back as an $80k jail consultant?
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  1. #1

    Retired Maj. Brunner back as an $80k jail consultant?

    Any truth to this rumor?

  2. #2
    Considering you new Major, I see the need for a Consultant! :lol:

  3. #3

    What a mess.

    How embarassed should our leadership be? They appoint to the position of Major, a woman that could not run a division. They tell her she can not take any big decisions without first speaking to the Chief Deputy. He then leaves...oh oh! OK, lets get a Captain out of Health Care, who too has not ever worked the floor, and put him back in an administrative position to help her...oh no, that did not help. What next, oh yeah, in the middle of a financial crisis, where line staff are taking it all, lets bring back the old Major, who ran the jail without help, for $80k a year, to help her. Let him do a bit of double dipping too, like our leader. Problem solved. OK, now, what else can we cut that the Deputies have to pay for that? I know, lets increase 12 hour shifts, lets close down buildings, even though we told the County we were over inundated with inmates and needed new buildings, lets move female inmates into totally unsuitable buildings, transfer Deputies, mid shift, to other locations, cut vacation days off allowed, but let us not mess with all the senior ranks of Lt. and above. We need to recruit a Major from out of the Agency, one that has run a facility our size before, with a record of success and bring him/her in. Lets get some sanity back into the jail.

  4. #4
    This agency sucks anymore, from Coats to the new chief and the whole next of lawyers that was a waste of money.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    largo florida

    Why even bother

    Read her responses to reasonable suggestions on Stratagies For Excellence. She pretty much has two answers. "Thank you for your suggestion but we are going to do it my way." Or "Please refer this question to your chain of comand." And if you make a post that is critial of her way of doing things she will respond with, "Please stop by office and we can discuss it." I bet the only thing you would be discussing is how far up your azz she is going to put her foot. She was clearly promoted only because she is a black female. She is such a bleeding heart for the inmates and cares very little for the jail guards. Talk about a huge waiste of money. She has a HUG A Thug program for just about everyones situation.

  6. #6

    Hell yes

    Everyone on here has it right! We have a major that can't make any choices on her own and like many have said before, SHE STARTED the whole camp hug a thug! We can write these guys up all day long and BAM she comes along and says...Oh its ok. I understand you have it hard being in jail. Don't worry about it. You won't get into trouble. .....I mean seriously come on!!!! Why do we put a person in a positioin of power just who doesn't back deputies?!?! What kind of crap is that? We need someone who has worked the floors and remembers what it was like. We need a strong leader who won't get pushed around by inmates. WE NEED SOMEONE WITH A DAMN BACK BONE!!! Things are changing and its not for the better and it doesn't look like its goin to get better any time soon. The future looks grim.............

  7. #7
    I for one like the new Major, she is always friendly. I am just a jail guard with no rank, because I don't suck up or kick ass on the CRT team. I know that its got to suck for her to take away positions or move them somewhere else. I'm happy that I don't have to work 12 hrs. I am also happy that I have a job that provides for my family. I see on these posts that people are bashing the road, for not letting our co-workers go when they get pulled over for DUI. I would not want to work the road if I was given double. They are just doing their job. Period. I feel bad for these people who did get picked up, but come on people, use common sense, training can't teach it. The bottom line is people, come to work, do whats is asked of you, don't ***** to your supervisors, it doesn't help. And go home to your family or quit and get a real job.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

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