Friend of B.G.
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Thread: Friend of B.G.

  1. #1

    Friend of B.G.

    Bob is a really good man and did not mean to ruffle any feathers during his recent visits to readoff. Bob was a hard working detective in narcotics for many years and I put alot of bad guys away. All of those rumors that Bob sucked up all the overtime are not true. Bob in fact, worked many of those cases on his own time and on weekends. When I went off to law school, it was to better himself so that he could better serve you. Now that he is Deputy Chief, Bob was just trying to warn deputies of the evils of the FOP because he wants you all to be able to think for yourselves. I think it's wrong for you guys to be bad mouthing him on this board, especially since some of you are the same ones that were congratulating me and wishing Bob well after those readoffs. Shame on all of you.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Hey "friend of Bob"...hahaha

    You slipped up a little there, Bob. Obviously you meant to write this as someone who knows and admires you, but you gave yourself away...
    "when I went off to law school, it was to better himself", followed by "congratulating me" lame can you be? Are you that worried about what people think and say about the all-powerful Chief Deputy (i.e, you)? You have just proven beyond any reasonable doubt what an absolutely gutless TOOL that you are! If you are that adamant about defending yourself, then act like a man and state your yourself! Say hi to that idiot Coats for me, moron. hahahahaha

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Since no one else will say it. I will.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Posted: 03/13/08 15:18:40 Post subject:


    Please leave the board.

    You are obviously a angry person with more problems than anyone here can help you with.

    You seem to have a unnatural obsession with the human sexual and evacuation system.

    You appear to be self medicating and it just doesn't seem to be working for you.

    No 1 here has called you a name or implied that you are a sexual deviant. The only person doing this is you doing it to yourself. Click off the VCR or CD player and come back to reality, life isn't a movie or a TV show. Try to cut through the haze and have a original thought.

    You are obviously 1 screwed up individual or work for and do this to keep this otherwise even keeled board off kilter to get more hits on the site. Either way no one appreciates your rhetoric.

    The more you drink the more mistakes you make, the more angry you get the more mistakes you make, that's just a fact of life.

    Your euphemisms are showing. More and more

    Good Day Sir.

  5. #5
    I think that friend of bob was a quip on the LW's friend post where LW slipped and exposed himself. RG is a pain in the ass but I don't think he is that stupid. However, a very funny parody. Five lol's on that one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by 4th Horseman
    Posted: 03/13/08 15:18:40 Post subject:


    Please leave the board.

    You are obviously a angry person with more problems than anyone here can help you with.

    You seem to have a unnatural obsession with the human sexual and evacuation system.

    You appear to be self medicating and it just doesn't seem to be working for you.

    No 1 here has called you a name or implied that you are a sexual deviant. The only person doing this is you doing it to yourself. Click off the VCR or CD player and come back to reality, life isn't a movie or a TV show. Try to cut through the haze and have a original thought.

    You are obviously 1 screwed up individual or work for and do this to keep this otherwise even keeled board off kilter to get more hits on the site. Either way no one appreciates your rhetoric.

    The more you drink the more mistakes you make, the more angry you get the more mistakes you make, that's just a fact of life.

    Your euphemisms are showing. More and more

    Good Day Sir.
    Dude, you have made 18 posts inside a week. Do I detect some contradiction here. You are just a strange old man with alot of time on your hands. Your posts border on strange and absurd and you smell heavily of an alcoholic beverage. Night Night now.

  7. #7
    Posted: 03/13/08 15:18:40 Post subject:


    Please leave the board.

    You are obviously a angry person with more problems than anyone here can help you with.

    You seem to have a unnatural obsession with the human sexual and evacuation system.

    You appear to be self medicating and it just doesn't seem to be working for you.

    No 1 here has called you a name or implied that you are a sexual deviant. The only person doing this is you doing it to yourself. Click off the VCR or CD player and come back to reality, life isn't a movie or a TV show. Try to cut through the haze and have a original thought.

    You are obviously 1 screwed up individual or work for and do this to keep this otherwise even keeled board off kilter to get more hits on the site. Either way no one appreciates your rhetoric.

    The more you drink the more mistakes you make, the more angry you get the more mistakes you make, that's just a fact of life.

    Your euphemisms are showing. More and more

    Good Day Sir. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    It takes a pair to post under the same name night after night.
    Make no mistake, your posts are being counted as well.

  8. #8
    OMG between the friend of Bob comedy and the disturbing posts by the 4th horseman Lets just say this site is rocking. I'm lmao You guys are a bunch of friggin freaks but I love ya!!!!


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