Forensics Has Gone Downhill BAD!!!!
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  1. #1

    Forensics Has Gone Downhill BAD!!!!

    Does anyone think that our forensic section has gone downhill horribly. Our morale is the worst it has ever been and no once in admin cares. We only seem to worry about training in WMD. When's the last time we got trained in anything else. We used to tbe the best - but that was years ago. We really need help in here.

  2. #2
    Once Stiner is gone some of that BS will go with him. He's been waitin for the big one for years. First it was the big train wreck at 688 and the tracks, then it was hurricanes, and now WMD. The reality is we need to keep training for our everyday crime, that makes up 99.9 % of our job.

  3. #3
    Your right, you should be training in your everyday stuff because I'm sure the new method of applying powder and lifting latents has progressed so much in the last 7 years. You also should be trained in photography, did you know they can take pictures without film, and adjust the light afterwards to clean it up; this must be some way out new technology. All this training on WMD what a waste, I'm sure no one that was at 911 ground zero worried about Forensics, that’s such a secondary thought that it was never brought up. Oh and that stuff in Las Vegas this week, you know Ricin, did you ever hear that would before, probably not, based on your posting. So please continue to go blindly into the scene, throw your powder and snap a few Polaroid’s, it will open a few a spots for some new blood that has an interest in self preservation, while they go to scenes and do their job. The majority of Forensics people are doing a great job and we would like them to have the knowledge to not enter a hot zone, or pick up that little baggie with one pair of surgical gloves, that may or may not have a microscopic pin hole. To those I say thank you for doing a thankless job I would never do, to those of you who would rather whine and complain about getting trained, it just shows how narrow minded you are. And for those of you that didn’t get it the first part of this was sarcasm, as I know there is a great deal to what you do but there are always a few that need it explained to them.

  4. #4

    CSI is going down....

    I hear ya, I haven't cranked one down in at least 3 days. WTF ladies....lets go here!!!!

  5. #5

    Take a Breath

    WOW - Did you miss the point!!!!! No one is saying training in WMD areas isn't needed, but in order to solve crimes we need to have an understanding of things like blood spatter and all of the new chemicals out there to develop prints and locate evidence. We bust our !!!! es out there in the heat everyday and what do we get - slapped for not knowing this or that and its usually because we were never trained in it!!!!!!!!!!! What about the new species blood tests that work immediately. Those of us that work the street scenes everyday get nothing. Oh we do get to hear about supervisor trips to Arizona !!!!!!! The only people going to school here are the supervisors. And they sure don't share what they've learned out in Arizona and all the other exotic places they go. By the way, the most dangerous things we will probably ever come into contact with are the very dangerous chemicals we work with everyday and we don't even get trained in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6

    CSI is going downhill...

    Wow...sounds like somebody out there is pretty disgruntled about their job as a CSI with the PCSO. While I don't know who you are, I know that you are one of my co-workers and that's the part that concerns me. Training and what everybody else in the Section is doing (or not doing) is a real bone of contention for you. For that, I am sorry. I'm sorry you are deciding to deposit your negativity into a place where your only earnings will be anger, bitterness, and resentment. Personally, I think that overall, the Section is a worthwhile place to spend my employment hours. After all, it's just a job, right? It's not my life...but while I am there, I try to give it my best efforts. I'm not sure how training goes and why anyone gets picked for any reason. Training of some sort eventually comes to each person there. If you are angry or feel slighted in this area, there are ways to funnel your negative energy into a more positive avenue for not only yourself, but for those around you. Have you considered setting up an informal meeting with any of the persons who receive training (supervisors and/or techs) and asking them to share what they learned with you? I'm sure any one of them would be glad to do so. Or how about contacting the FBI and asking them about any new and exciting techniques available for our field? You could be the one responsible for sharing something with us about your findings. And then there's always the Internet...possibilities there are certainly endless. We don't live in a perfect world and consequently, our job or the people we work with aren't perfect, either. Congratulations...looks like you have figured that much out. How about you take a pro-active approach to your issue and some responsibility for yourself. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your goals and see where you want your career to take you. If you're looking for "exotic" places to travel to and lots of training, consider the military. Lots of that there...and you would be one step up on already have lots of experience in death investigations!

  7. #7

    Re: CSI is going down....

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I hear ya, I haven't cranked one down in at least 3 days. WTF ladies....lets go here!!!!
    So they really do put out? I thought they were all just a big tease.

  8. #8
    hell yeah!! Join the party!


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