You're Right . . .
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  1. #1

    You're Right . . .

    . . . I overreacted, and I'm sorry. In my defense, I'll just say that I'm overprotective of my people at times. Consider the good in that though - if I do run, at least you guys/gals know I won't "ditch" you for expediency's sake, and I'll always be with you.

    Bottom Line: I take care of my own. This was not the way to go about it, though, and I apologize.


  2. #2
    You are all YAP!!!!!

  3. #3

    To Delfuco

    Either Run or go the fk away!!!!!!

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Sir Jeff

    Gag me with a spoon.....
    Good golly Jeff, the Sheriffs Offices in the state are commonly referred to as " PARA-MILITARY ", not military.
    So get out of your I AM THE COLONEL (in reserve) mode and quit referring to people as yours.
    You keep stating my people, my this, my that, my unit. The only unit you
    have should be between your legs, and I will not go there, in fear of what might or might not be there. Quick take your blood pressure medicine.
    I do think there are a lot of posters here getting a good laugh at your
    "H.E." Temper, ohh yeah Colonel in the reserves, that means High Exsplosive in the regular Army.
    Ohh my Gosh, have I just exsposed a classified military abbreviation "H.E." to a Jack Officer LOL....
    I should be okay due to reserve Colonel not prosecuting non-military personnel.
    He could have prosecuted non-military personel when he was a make believe assistant u.s. attorney. Thats right you are not at the us attorneys
    office any more.
    Well Jeff I am having MY fingers tell you good bye, at which time I am demanding MY fingers turn this computer off before MY brain refuses MY fingers to quit telling people what you are really like.
    I look forward to continuing this novel with you, as the song goes
    " Weve only just begun ".

    A real ARMY Captain ( not reserves)

  6. #6

    Captain who knows . . .

    . . Captain who blows. Not a captain, except the "bellhop" - type. Step off, goofy. You're fake and you know it.

  7. #7

    Row Boat Captain

    Aye, aye Captain Row Boat, or is it Captain Crunch? Captain Kanagaroo?

  8. #8
    I say it again two 5 jump chumps with the ability to get themselves awarded medals by cutting thier own orders into combat zones. In the rear with the gear JAG-OFFS


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