Baywalk from a citizens persepective
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  1. #1

    Baywalk from a citizens persepective

    I felt compelled to start a new thread to give the perspective and observations from a citizen of St. Petersburg who made a big mistake by taking my family there and witnessing the mayhem. First, I will state that I am a W/M in my late 30's with a wife and two children, all there.

    I cannot believe that we live in a supposidly civilized Country after what we saw. Sorry, but all of the THUGS were black, african americans, negros or whatever the hell they want to be called these days. Sorry, but they were NOT all kids. There were many in there 20's and 30's and they seemed to thrive and enjoy the chaos much like a shark smells blood in the water. The police and security couldn't help any of the citizens because they were to busy trying to save there own life and limb. I do not blame them.

    I blame the so called leaders of the city for letting things get this far out of hand. These animals had no respect for the police, other people or property. I read in the other thread reference this that the streets need to be taken back. Where the hell do I sign up to help. It is WRONG that these thugs, animals and CRIMINALS are allowed to mingle with law abiding people who should feel safe in a supposidly nice place on freakin' CHRISTMAS night.

    I see that Bill Foster is speaking out on this because he saw it for himself. This so called mayor and the rest of the council had better start listening, because I know alot of others like me that have had it. LET THE POLICE DO THEIR DAMNED JOBS. At least let them keep the criminal element away from the "few safe areas" in this City/Cesspool!! After hearing the verbal, sexual abuse aimed at my daughter and wife and actually fearing for our lives and safety, I wish to God I would have had my 9 mm. Thats all it will take and its getting close to happening due to the policies of this city.

    Finally, I once saw a video by a black comedian, Cris Rock. The theme of his act was (I can say this because it was ok for him) how "******s" f--- everything up for everyone else, including black people. During the act he went on to say how they will shoot at movie screens, etc...At first I cringed when I listened to it. All I can say now is how appropriate. To city council: get off your backsides and do something. To the police officers: don't lose your lives because of these animals. Wait until you are allowed to fight back. IT'S DISPICABLE!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2


    thanx for the post, Glenn. We need more like you to speak up because apparently they cant hear downtown. As far as letting us do our job...the staff (choke) at sppd would have to be lopped off from sgt. on up (along with many sgts) before there would be wholesale changes. Until then, unfortunately you are right. It is not safe anywhere in this city and the predators are allowed to roam far and wide.

  3. #3

    Fed up too - Kudos Glenn

    It is going to take a revolt by the citizens to get anything done. I have been fed up for years and this Mayor as well as Council have done NOTHING to help the police to do their jobs. This used to be a respected city to work in for police and fire, yet now they can't beg people to come here. It is going to get far worse before it gets better. My spouse is a "public servant" in this City and I can tell you the police and fire departments have to beg for everything they get. The police department is managed by a bunch of idiots who choose to turn a blind eye rather than defend and stand up for their employees. When it comes to Midtown and other areas the street officers hands are tied most of the time due to repercussions from high ups who choose to defend the thug citizen (family members at times) instead of their own officers. It is beyond sad.

    My family chooses which events and places to attend in this city after dark due to the same problems which occurred downtown. The thugs that night may have been black but we have seen the same problems with Hispanics all the way to wealthy white kids.

    Start the process Glenn and you will have many of use behind you. Sign me up!

  4. #4
    My wife and I along with another couple made the mistake. I've read the bad press but had no idea. Had to hide in the lobby until we could run to our car. You can't fight 100 that are calling you every name in the book because of your skin color even though my buddy and I blood was boiling. Like a scene out of the movie Zulu and the poor few officers were the Brits. We'll be staying in safe Dunedin and going to the movies in Oldsmar from now on. Good luck with that and much sympathy to the police officers.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2007
    Aint it obvious what's going on here? Blacks are be payed reparations for slavery!! And ironicly every race in the world has been enslaved at one point in history and for a lot longer than 200 years. But the citizens of St. Uruhusburg have to pay because we have weak suck politicians parading as republicans who are really bleeding heart democrats in disguise. We have a racist vice-mayor who hates cops and whites and it is ever so obvious. You want to stop the violence?

    Hey Southsiders:

    Get a job.

    Get out of section 8 housing.

    Stop having 8 babies from 8 daddies.

    Stop selling drugs.

    Stop shooting each other over sneakers.

    Stop shop lifting from Burlington Coat factory every day.

    Hey Cops:

    Start arresting there azzes for once.

    Start dong your job.

    Stop cowering from the black power circle that holds your balls.

    Dont take there SHIZZIT.

    To the politicians and admin"

    Let your cops work or your city will burn.

    Stop catering to the black criminal element.

    Kick the ooga boogas the f out of the City. They stay because they are comfy.

  6. #6
    we want to hear all of your horror stories, mr/ms citizen. what you may not realize is that baywalk is the crown jewel of st. petes "entertainment district." what you further may not realize is that mayor baker and all of his cronies would rather cater to a bunch of dope selling/smoking, criminals then keeping the very public they advertise to safe. my advice is to stay out of st. pete. soon there will be tumbleweeds drifting down central ave among the discarded crack pipes, shell casings, dope packaging plastic baggies and malt liquor cans. can't happen fast enuff.

  7. #7
    Was there and will never go again. Everything the original poster said was true. I used to be suspicious of the police and think they were always in the wrong. Now i got a taste of what you all have to far as I'. concerned you can go Rodney King on em all daay long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    They should make it legal for anyone entering st pete to carry a gun. You'd think the governor would clean up his own back yard or make Baker do it but they all come from the same gene, spineless, give it all away white boy

  9. #9
    Remember it was fake baker that so boldly announced he was going to pay for the college of a kid whos father tried to kill one of his police officers. Ya, to say he useless would be an understatement. He's not going to do anything about Baywalk because it the scum blacks from the south side that he caters to.

    Shameful St Pete.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ditto
    They should make it legal for anyone entering st pete to carry a gun. You'd think the governor would clean up his own back yard or make Baker do it but they all come from the same gene, spineless, give it all away white boy ... permit.htm

    Hmmmm... must be me. I thought everyone packed!

    FD Bro'

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