As Christmas is upon us, I would wish that all this negative talk would end. Yes, people have been hurt and damaged by things posted here and elsewhere. Nobody is perfect, we are all human. Whether it be here at the department or elsewhere in your life, be the best that you can be. Be better that those who are being stoned. Wait before casting that blow cause who are we to judge. Is our life and our job really that bad that it has come to this. I think we have a great department, no its not perfect. But I wouldn't trade it for more money in the world. You are my brothers and sisters, we are family. There will always be the black sheeps and the wayward uncles but through it all, family should stick together. My wish for 2008 is that we make this department and this County stand out. Be that example for others to follow. We don't stick around for the money, we don't stick around for the glory. We stick around cause we care about what it means to be an employee, an officer for this department. All for one, One for all!!! Merry Christmas to all. Blessed be...