Scholarship Money for Fallen Florida Deputy's Children
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Scholarship Money for Fallen Florida Deputy's Children

    The two youngest children of fallen Deputy Sgt. Chris Reyka each received $15,000 college scholarship bonds from the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation on Monday.

    Reyka, who served in the Marine Corps between 1976 and 1978, was shot and killed Aug. 10 after attempting to check on two suspicious vehicles behind a Walgreens in Pompano Beach. Authorities are offering $267,000 for information leading to the arrest of Reyka's shooter. No arrests have been made.

    Reyka was an 18-year veteran who served in Pompano Beach before its police department merged with the Broward Sheriff's Office in 1989.

    "Your husband served the Marine Corps and this department with honor," said Agostino von Hassell, a representative for the foundation, during a presentation at the Broward Sheriff's Office.

    The foundation has distributed about $25 million to the children of those who lost their life in the line of duty, "on the battlefield or in the mean streets of Broward County, New York City or Los Angeles," von Hassell said.

    Autumn Reyka, 16, and Spencer Reyka, 13, also received a basic training polo shirt and a handmade Marine Corps rose pin.

    "It's so overwhelming. Just the cost of education is so much, and for them to help meet that need, it leaves me speechless," said Chris Reyka's wife, Kim.

    The mother of four said she was grateful the Corps is looking out for her family along with the Sheriff's Office.

    "[Chris] loved being in the Marines," Kim Reyka said. "He said he's drawn from his experience in the Corps his whole life."

    Autumn Reyka said she was considering enrolling at North Carolina to pursue a degree in psychology. Spencer Reyka said he might go to college at the University of Florida and then enlist in the Corps like his father and brother before him.

  2. #2
    It's always refreshing to read good news on this forum!


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