Food For Thought
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  1. #1

    Food For Thought

    To All Dispatchers: Its not who has been here before or who will be after its knowing you were here and made a difference.

    What a simple little phrase but the words just really mean something much more in-depth. Aside from all the posts about how rude dispatchers are, how heavy-set they are(by the way Im very overweight 340lbs) these men and women are ultimately your 10-94 and they should be treated as such. When was the last time you asked your 94 for information that they were able to provide you without any hesitation because they did their job and had your back. Come On officers and command staff please recognize the job the dispatchers do. They deserve a little commendation too.

  2. #2
    I agree...dispatchers are not given the recognition they deserve. It is a very hard job and takes a lot of patience dealing with so many different things all at once. No, we didn't go to the academy and we don't have a gun and badge but, we do work under very stressful circumstances and provide a much needed service to the public and the law enforcement community that we serve.

  3. #3
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    BIG SMOOCH. Thanks for the acknowledgement. :P

  4. #4
    Bull! Plain and simple. You do not have a clue what it is like to be on the street. You are sitting in an OFFICE behind a computer and goofing off with your friends most of your shift. I know, I work OT in Commo. You think you are running the show, you are just TYPING 14 IN TO A COMPUTER! My fellow deputies are my 10-94. I could type a thousand examples where the dispatcher screwed things up and almost got a deputy hurt. We do not need you. All we need to know is where the next call is. With the implementation of the new computers, we will need you less and less. I can run all my own tags, criminal hx's, every thing I need and I can find out what calls are holding. Your days of acting like self righteous know it alls who get to boss deputies around are swiftly coming to an end.

  5. #5
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
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    Oct 2007

    and when your 1024 button goes off?

    what happens when your 1024 button goes off? what then?

  6. #6
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
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    Oct 2007

    YOU ARE RIGHT.....u dont need us.....

    You know we do have some, maybe plenty of dispatchers who shouldnt be dispatchers, but all it takes is that one time that u need us and we arent there and then what? Your computer cant save you then and your zone partner, whos not paying attention for whatever reason or isnt sitting at his screen watching every call or every units status, what are they going to do? Then what happens when you key up and cant speak and there is no one there watching the PTT window, no one there to check and see if you are ok due to the open mic, no one there to start a unit to your location, no one there to call the location of where you are marked out, no one there who can cut out everyone elses radio and override your open mic, no one to start the calvalry or your 1094. But hey YOU DONT NEED us right, u can do everything so why dont you run TTY at the same time, confirm your warrants, check your tags and criminal histories, call your own 1070's, meanwhile handling your 1050 without an avail 1094 and watching to make sure nothing happens to you, check the schools for your own truants, call other agencies for your code 3 1094's, get ahold of fire rescue from your car on your 1030 cell phone, call the complaintant back and have them come down and meet you down in the pk lot, call back to the banks on silent holdup alarms oh yea and I would love to hear you 1003 the air from your car, that would be fun to hear, you can call the alarm companys back to get keyholders to respond on the alarms that you are just going to code anyways, and somewhere in the middle of all this work you can handle your zone and your buddies zone and get your paperwork done and in on time and maybe get to eat. Since we dispatchers wont have to do all this work maybe we can now get ALL these pesky 911 lines answered in the 10 seconds we are allowed. Our stress level will be alot less and when you guys start screaming over the air, since we wont need to be plugged in anymore, we will hear you across the room now, one of us can run over and monitor you, just in case you need us to calm you down and talk you through should u ever wind up in a Tephford kind of situation. (God rest his soul) But I guess you wouldnt have needed that dispatcher in that situation, huh? We never said we are out there fighting the battle with you but if our being there gets you the 1043 you need in the quickest possible way and if hearing our voices calms you down and makes you feel safe because SOME of us know what we are doing then, I guess the FEW of you who think we should GET OVER OURSELVES will just have to deal with it! By the way this is a dispatchers forum, so if you dont like whats said here, GET OUT! :twisted:

  7. #7
    Get over yourselves. Your VOICES DO NOT calm us down. When we hear some, like 7722, 7911, we shut them out and do not listen unless we have to. As soon as we get the computers, we will run all our own things you listed in your post. My fellow deputies on nights know exactly what I am doing and when I need 10-94 or not. They do not need some self righteous snotty dispatcher stating "unit for 10-94!!!" over the air before some one actually has half a second to key up their mic. I don't need some stupid dispatcher telling me "I advised they are no longer 10-12!" on a sig 38, then tell me to 10-65 another call. I ADVISE THEM where and when I am going. SO WHAT if they are not 10-12 at this moment in time, they always eventually come back to the residence. But little things like that dispatchers have no clue about because they have never worked the streets. You have no ieda what you are speaking of.

  8. #8

    response to answer

    Quote Originally Posted by answer
    Get over yourselves. Your VOICES DO NOT calm us down. When we hear some, like 7722, 7911, we shut them out and do not listen unless we have to. As soon as we get the computers, we will run all our own things you listed in your post. My fellow deputies on nights know exactly what I am doing and when I need 10-94 or not. They do not need some self righteous snotty dispatcher stating "unit for 10-94!!!" over the air before some one actually has half a second to key up their mic. I don't need some stupid dispatcher telling me "I advised they are no longer 10-12!" on a sig 38, then tell me to 10-65 another call. I ADVISE THEM where and when I am going. SO WHAT if they are not 10-12 at this moment in time, they always eventually come back to the residence. But little things like that dispatchers have no clue about because they have never worked the streets. You have no ieda what you are speaking of.
    Maybe i am from the old school, when we did not have comp term. in the car. and the radio was all we had, I am not sure what agency that ANSWER is with but no matter how much has change, after reading this post by ANSWER. this is one thin that is for sure!!!

    ANSWER, you are a FRIGGIN IDIOT!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
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    Oct 2007
    let me say this, cop for life, thank for you answer or whatever you go by, yes you are definitely an idiot. while i do not know these 2 dispatchers that you speak of (i do not work for the same agency), from what i have seen on here i do not agree with some of their behavior that has been talked about. however, just as i do not JUDGE you by your fellow deputies/officers, do not JUDGE us by our fellow dispatchers. you must be some FNG who is clueless as to what we do or some old POS who just has a bad 'tude. one day you WILL need a dispatcher, u may not think so but u will, and i hope and pray for your sake, u have one of the good ones, who is professional enough to do his/her job. WHEN that day comes i hope you are MAN enough to think back to what you wrote here and EAT your words. how can you tell me what i can and can not speak of? you have NO idea what i know or dont, how long i have done this job, what type of training i have, etc. i have done more than a few ride alongs during my career and have been told many times by road units and sgts, that im always several steps ahead of them in asking for what they need, even before they open their mouths to ask for it. so go back to ASSuming what u think u know. it apparently fits you. and dont u have something better to do with your time than being in a DISPATCHER forum? isnt there a tag you can run from your trusty computer?


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