911 Calls - Page 5
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Thread: 911 Calls

  1. #41


    [quote=OK BIG TUMMY][quote="Look Here You Dummy":2zy59c31]
    Quote Originally Posted by "Slim Pickens":2zy59c31
    And who was the MORON to put these other morons up for STARS of the MONTH? Sig. 14/September 2007. Did this person NOT listen to the 911 call that came in from that very articulate calm person who's vehicle was about 3 feet away from Sgt. Reyka's vehicle? Who saw the suspect's vehicle leave? These three what-ever you want to call them did not do their jobs ! PERIOD, they allowed good time and good info to go out the window. Why you ask? Because "They" were concerned more as to "the race" of the deputy, than asking about the vehicle, the suspect's color (maybe they didn't want to hear what color the suspects were). They did not ask the freaken PERTINENT info they are TRAINED (CLUE WORD) TO DO. Repeatedly you hear the moron asking the witness...is the deputy white or black man? is the deputy white or black? WHO CARES, GIVE US SOME GOOD INFO DUMMIES. I'm leaving I'm pissed.
    STARS OF THE MONTH? PLEASE ! Then I should be DEPUTY OF THE YEAR FOR JUST RESPONDING ! I have NO confidence in these call takers, that's what they are in my book.
    The article states in the first sentence ..."provided quick communications response after Dep. Maury Hernandez was shot...". You, Deputy, are not paying attention, as this is not about Sgt. Reyka.[/quote:2zy59c31]

    OK BIG TUMMY, what's your point? 911 call takers are still stupid.[/quote:2zy59c31]

    Since you had to ask, the point is, for a cop, I don't think you're too bright. You looked at that article and missed the FACT that these people are NOT being recognized for handling Sgt. Reyka's shooting, it clearly states Deputy Hernandez. You mis-read it and made a complete fool of yourself. You look like the moron. Furthermore, I don't have a big tummy, I don't work in Communications, I do think the individual who handled Sgt. Reyka's call should seek other employement, and I agree A LOT of the 9-1-1 call takers are so stupid and unprofessional that it's an embarrassment to say the least. However, A LOT of them are EXCELLENT. And the point of this is that YOU made an a s s of yourself and instead of letting it go, you had to ask my point and I've explained it to you. Ya happy now?

  2. #42


    [quote=Look Here You Dummy][quote="OK BIG TUMMY":1hq75xd8][quote="Look Here You Dummy":1hq75xd8]
    Quote Originally Posted by "Slim Pickens":1hq75xd8
    And who was the MORON to put these other morons up for STARS of the MONTH? Sig. 14/September 2007. Did this person NOT listen to the 911 call that came in from that very articulate calm person who's vehicle was about 3 feet away from Sgt. Reyka's vehicle? Who saw the suspect's vehicle leave? These three what-ever you want to call them did not do their jobs ! PERIOD, they allowed good time and good info to go out the window. Why you ask? Because "They" were concerned more as to "the race" of the deputy, than asking about the vehicle, the suspect's color (maybe they didn't want to hear what color the suspects were). They did not ask the freaken PERTINENT info they are TRAINED (CLUE WORD) TO DO. Repeatedly you hear the moron asking the witness...is the deputy white or black man? is the deputy white or black? WHO CARES, GIVE US SOME GOOD INFO DUMMIES. I'm leaving I'm pissed.
    STARS OF THE MONTH? PLEASE ! Then I should be DEPUTY OF THE YEAR FOR JUST RESPONDING ! I have NO confidence in these call takers, that's what they are in my book.
    The article states in the first sentence ..."provided quick communications response after Dep. Maury Hernandez was shot...". You, Deputy, are not paying attention, as this is not about Sgt. Reyka.[/quote:1hq75xd8]

    OK BIG TUMMY, what's your point? 911 call takers are still stupid.[/quote:1hq75xd8]

    Since you had to ask, the point is, for a cop, I don't think you're too bright. You looked at that article and missed the FACT that these people are NOT being recognized for handling Sgt. Reyka's shooting, it clearly states Deputy Hernandez. You mis-read it and made a complete fool of yourself. You look like the moron. Furthermore, I don't have a big tummy, I don't work in Communications, I do think the individual who handled Sgt. Reyka's call should seek other employement, and I agree A LOT of the 9-1-1 call takers are so stupid and unprofessional that it's an embarrassment to say the least. However, A LOT of them are EXCELLENT. And the point of this is that YOU made an a s s of yourself and instead of letting it go, you had to ask my point and I've explained it to you. Ya happy now?[/quote:1hq75xd8]

    And your point is? I didn't let it go? I'm not the guy you started off with. See? You can't even get that straight... the anger... go to psych services.

  3. #43
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Lets move on....

    The person, whoever it was, obviously didn't read what the article said b4 they opened their mouth. The 3 that were pictured were being honored for their handling of the Hernandez shooting, not Sgt. Reyka's shooting. The calltakers in Sgt. Reyka's shooting should face some type of re-training, disciplinary action or something. Those tapes were down right AWFUL at best. Not once did any of them even ASK if someone was willing to go check on the downed officer (again they were TOO BUSY trying to get his race). I would have at least asked!!! Now as for ASSuming that all calltakers are stupid thats not fair, but then again fairness does not seem to come into play anywhere in most of these posts. No matter how many good, amazing, awesome dispatchers/calltakers there are at the BSO sites, it only takes a few crappy ones to have everyone on their cases. However, deputies and officers should realize the same thing goes for them, how would they like to be judged by the few bad apples on the road. Again, that would not be fair either. :!:

  4. #44


    [quote=OK BIG TUMMY][quote="Look Here You Dummy":27ft0hch][quote="OK BIG TUMMY":27ft0hch][quote="Look Here You Dummy":27ft0hch]
    Quote Originally Posted by "Slim Pickens":27ft0hch
    And who was the MORON to put these other morons up for STARS of the MONTH? Sig. 14/September 2007. Did this person NOT listen to the 911 call that came in from that very articulate calm person who's vehicle was about 3 feet away from Sgt. Reyka's vehicle? Who saw the suspect's vehicle leave? These three what-ever you want to call them did not do their jobs ! PERIOD, they allowed good time and good info to go out the window. Why you ask? Because "They" were concerned more as to "the race" of the deputy, than asking about the vehicle, the suspect's color (maybe they didn't want to hear what color the suspects were). They did not ask the freaken PERTINENT info they are TRAINED (CLUE WORD) TO DO. Repeatedly you hear the moron asking the witness...is the deputy white or black man? is the deputy white or black? WHO CARES, GIVE US SOME GOOD INFO DUMMIES. I'm leaving I'm pissed.
    STARS OF THE MONTH? PLEASE ! Then I should be DEPUTY OF THE YEAR FOR JUST RESPONDING ! I have NO confidence in these call takers, that's what they are in my book.
    The article states in the first sentence ..."provided quick communications response after Dep. Maury Hernandez was shot...". You, Deputy, are not paying attention, as this is not about Sgt. Reyka.[/quote:27ft0hch]

    OK BIG TUMMY, what's your point? 911 call takers are still stupid.[/quote:27ft0hch]

    Since you had to ask, the point is, for a cop, I don't think you're too bright. You looked at that article and missed the FACT that these people are NOT being recognized for handling Sgt. Reyka's shooting, it clearly states Deputy Hernandez. You mis-read it and made a complete fool of yourself. You look like the moron. Furthermore, I don't have a big tummy, I don't work in Communications, I do think the individual who handled Sgt. Reyka's call should seek other employement, and I agree A LOT of the 9-1-1 call takers are so stupid and unprofessional that it's an embarrassment to say the least. However, A LOT of them are EXCELLENT. And the point of this is that YOU made an a s s of yourself and instead of letting it go, you had to ask my point and I've explained it to you. Ya happy now?[/quote:27ft0hch]

    And your point is? I didn't let it go? I'm not the guy you started off with. See? You can't even get that straight... the anger... go to psych services.[/quote:27ft0hch]

    I know as well as you, that a person can change their Username, as far as I know, one minute you're Slim-Pickens the next you are Ok Big Tummy. YOU are the one who responded to me and asked the question. As far as I'm concerned you are one-in-the-same because no intelligent person would disagree with my simple point that this deputy made a big oversight, I called it to his/her attention. I'm not angry, I'm laughing at you.

  5. #45

    OK Big Tummy

    See, just to prove my point, I started as Look here Dummy, changed to Guest, now I'm It's Still Me. So I would never beleive you.

  6. #46
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    You guys are making my head hurt.

  7. #47


    bimbo bump

  8. #48
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Dont think so

    No bimbos here hon.....but this post was about Sgt Reykas 911 tapes not what it ended up being about. That's what my point was.

  9. #49
    I wish it was a simple as "keeping some one on the phone" during a 1033 call. Heck i wish we could just get the answer for Where are the police needed? and not get 'just send the police...scream scream....Trust me. It blows my mind how often I have put in calls or have dispatched out a call that once the units are done working it will not be anything like the CALLER-CITIZEN-said it was. This happens most of the time. Hey its on the phone. And unfortunately people think they call 911 and we get their 1020 on the ali and BOOM the officers have it too and nothing more needs to be said. No joke. I use to call back and call back after being hung up on REPEATEDLY trying to get answers and it is just not worth it. I cover my ass and ask Where is the emergency? What is the emergency? Do you need paramedics? Is the subj still 97? Is he black , white or a latin male? How tall is he? How much does he weigh? What type of car does he drive? Does he own a weapon? But this all gets asked only if the citizen does not hang up the phone,which is mainly what happens. On the Reyka call that citizen was an EXCEPTION. But AND PLEASE UNITS READING THIS KNOW THIS COMES FROM CARING... SGT Reyka SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE INTO A POSSIBLE HINKY SITUATION W/O ADVISING DISPATCH. HE SHOULD HAVE HAD ANOTHER UNIT OR TWO CHECKING OUT W/HIM. WHAT IS SOO HARD ABOUT THAT? 11D-WHOMEVER SHOW ME 1006 TO THE REAR OF WALGREENS AT BLAH BLAH ...WHAT IS SOO HARD ABOUT THIS REQUEST??? It breaks my heart. If only he had gone w/another unit or two the SOB that killed him would not be an unk.... Things could of, should of been soo different. But i have been doing this job 19years now and you guys sometimes will advise ov situations (i know i can be a pain cuz i demand to know where u are/if your 1097/if all units are there. But all this i do for your safety and my ass too. I am not an altruist. But i have heard of horrible situations that make me be specific in my requests of the units i may be working with. Like deputy Doan killed in his unit going code 3 on a 1094. Hell no if my units are going to risk themselves w/o me having the EXACT 1020 of where he/she is hauling ass to get (hence my insistence on where are u?/Then Dep Green shot in his sqaud doing 1044 at a convenience store. Lord forbid. I know somethings,like the Green shooting NONE of us can really do much about. But i appreciate when ya'all adv 06 1044 and where. On and on. Its part of the job for you guys. My job is trying to keep it straight on where you are at any given time so that I can Get You 10-94 where and when u need it. But just like 911 w/those damn citizens , it takes cooperation. I know some dispatchers act like their bothered but so what. You guys are not always jolly sounding either BUT I GET MY ANSWER and cover bases. So you bother a dispatcher w/your 1020 and ref and share the load so that GOD forbid an evil asshole thinks he is gonna bring ya down but has a second thought when a 2nd or 3rd unit shows and things might not end up so ugly. So unnecassary. So heartbreakingly not necessary. Or if you must go it alone you'll still have everyone aware of your general situation. Ya all are good at hearing what each other is going 06 on,involved or not. Not always sooo good hearing your dispather but then again the radios may just be 10-1 right? Ok soo please dont be like the citizens that have the excuse of being clueless and uncooperative when THEY CALL 911 FOR HELP. Be the units you were trained to be. Advise ADVISE ADVISE and allow your dispacther to have all the answers she/he may need if God forbid 1094 is screamed ...Where? Bad guy desc ? Foot or veh? DOT are the tools for communications to help you,the road patrol in helping each other and CATCHING the bad guy, which of course , helps us all. PS the 3 dispathers in the signal 14 sept 2007 employees if the month were not part of the Reyka story, we all work at cdc1 and handled the Hernandez situation. God be with us all. Thats all i have to say. Sincerly, Susan Nofplotes 6101[/list]

  10. #50
    I appreciate your concern and caring, but sometimes if you're going out with every little thing it just isn't possible to advise every stop on the radio. I'm not going to delay taking action on something just because I can't get on the radio. I'm a big boy and know the risks and getting hurt or killed is something we all know about. Please don't monday morning quarterback Chris Reyka, he certainly doesn't need that from you!! Just do your job and let us do ours!!!

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