Proud of my agency; Proud of my new director
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  1. #1

    Proud of my agency; Proud of my new director

    I was devastated to see another LEO killed by some A**h**e in the Miami-Dade area. My heart goes out to the LEO's family and loved ones.

    As I followed the news that day I trembled when I saw one of our uniformed officers carrying his AR15 and assisting in the road block. I figured he better be looking for a new job tomorrow.

    I have never been so proud of my agency as I was the next day when I read an e-mail from the director THANKING all of the officers involved for their support and commitment. HOLY COW BATMAN! Can you imagine if Uncle Tommy had still been here!!??

    My personal opinion is that there is a new sheriff in town and he wants us to be a well regarded and respected law enforcement agency, not this glorified security guard reputation that seems to be how other Florida law enforcement agencies view us. The director has an obligation to support his mid and upper level management, but I think the underlying message is clear; if you can't support the new more professional, well regarded DEP law enforcement, there's the door.

    My appreciation to the officers who stood the post and my admiration to the director for standing up and supporting his officers. Thank you to all.

  2. #2
    I could not agree more with the first post, in years past...that officer would have had to explain why he was out assisting in the manhunt for a a cop killer (as if that really needs an explanation). But now, it appears the opposite, if Mr. Barnett doesn't see us helping out, an explanation should be warranted...that is how it should be!!! We have all the necessary law enforcement tools and great officers, it now looks as if we can actually use them!!

  3. #3

    New Director

    I just read the above posts concerning your new director and it certainly doesn't surprise me. I've known him for years and worked along side of him when I worked for the old FMP. You are lucky to have him as your director, because he is some one you can count on to do the right thing. I think that you will see a huge change for the better for your agency over the next couple of years. Good luck to everyone.


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