Reports - Page 2
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Thread: Reports

  1. #11

    How are the numbers so far?

    So..what is the proportion of administrative hours to patrol hours?

    Are the reports reflecting how much time an ill-thought out request for information takes from our primary function?


  2. #12


    Network television was making a new series about the new administration, but the series name was already taken---"Lost." Thanks to the big wheel-er who recruited this dream team.

  3. #13


    I must agree with you all about the forms issue. I will not bad mouth our computer or IT people, who create the forms, but the reports are not "road" tested and that really shows when police officers have to fill them out on the street. Just like the postings in this forum suggest there are issues like being forced to use drop down boxes for some blocks, the lack of autofill (where a couple of letters from a word on the drop down list are typed and it fills in the rest of the word), and having to redundantly type the same basic information over and over on separate reports. A simple solution would be to use a database type of form that inserts repetitious information to all the reports under that case number.
    Come on people let's get into the 1980's! I implore Director Barnet not to allow any further forms or reports to hit the streets until a "focus group" of officers, who will be filling them out, have an opportunity to road test them and make changes.

    Changes for the better; that is all. No complaining, no whining, just improving. That's all. :idea:

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