Wrongly Accused
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Thread: Wrongly Accused

  1. #1

    Wrongly Accused

    How many of you have ever thought about loosing your careers, your homes, your freedom; all because of a false accusation? As Cops we are constantly judged by public perception for decisions that we have to make. Now imagine that accuser having the right connections, and embellishing his story to not only get you in trouble at your job, but getting you sent to prison? That is exactly what is happening to Rick Farnham, a former Pinellas and Hillsborough Deputy.

    Rick was deployed to Pensacola in the aftermath of a destructive hurricane. In uniform, he and a Santa Rosa Deputy were checking a vacated home, when they were confronted by an angry neighbor, who believed they were looters, and didn't take a second to recognize that he was firing his handgun, not at criminals, but at uniformed Law Enforcement Officers. Rick deployed his taser, and subsequently subdued the man. A struggle ensued involving the man's angry wife, as well as other angry neighbors coming to his defense. The intricate details of this struggle are what is being argued, however all parties have agreed that the man fired his handgun, and was tasered. In a surreal decision, the State Attorney arbitrarily "no filed" on the man. Coincidentally, the man is a retired NY City Corrections Captain, and his neighbor is a retired high ranking officer from the military. Each of them used connections to file a Civil Rights complaint agaist Rick. The Pinellas Sheriff's Office defended Rick through the entire process. Unbelievably, Rick was convicted for a Misdemeanor Federal Civil Rights Violation. He has been sentenced to 12 months in Federal Prison. He resigned from the Sheriff's Office after the verdict, and is now loosing everything.

    In addition to the sentence, Rick was ordered to pay $2500.00 in restitution. He also has a civil trial coming up for litigation. I realize that there are those who do not like Rick, or choose to believe the other sides version of events. This post isn't here for bashing Rick, please use another thread to voice that. For those of you who are as disgusted as I am that this has happened, an Account has been set up at all Bank of America Branches, for Non tax deductible donations. Even a $1.00 bill will help. If you want to donate money, go to any Bank of America branch, simply put the account number on the front of the envelope and whatever amount you wish to donate, and drop it in the night deposit box anonymously. The Bank of America Account number is 229005152048.

    Thanks in advance for your help

  2. #2



  3. #3
    Would it be OK for me to go into the branch, sit down with a bank employee, confirm the details of the account, identify myself and donate the money? Or would you prefer I do it anonymously via the night drop when no one is there? How about if I put it under the door mat at your house?

    Since everyone gripes that anyone can post on this website without identifying themselves (sorry, I don't know you, Griff) why don't you get with the PBA or FOP and advertise this in their newsletters or identify yourself some other way?

    I know this sounds cynical, but how do we know you aren't some scammer taking advantage of Farnham's situation?

  4. #4

    wrongly accused

    There is one useful organization that can help and it is known as the National Police Defense Foundation. This is important beacuse this organization has funding resources and fights for officers whom the system and unions have given up on. Try npdf.com or npdf.org.

    The above organization is sort of a civil rights group for police.

  5. #5
    Stop spreading your BS agenda. Hundreds of PCSO Deputies have gone all over the state, and even out of state, for hurricane relief and never got federally indicted. Like it or not RICK LIED ON THE STAND. Who you gonna blame for that?? The FEDS?? RICK, thats who. Dont stir crap up where none exists. Who knows what would have happened had he not lied. But we wont know because he did. Now come back with the BS why didnt he get charged with perjury. They went with what they had and called it a day. Would you want more after you get 12 months in the Fed Prison? Hes guilty let it go.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    That is an interesting post, 'Screw Rick". I do not know the gentleman or much about the case. However I certainly did not see any proof in your post that he lied. If you have any? If si then lets see it. Otherwise maybe the MOD needs to make you go away for saying false things about someone. I believe that is a violation. Right, MOD?

  7. #7
    Now you Nazis know how it feels for the many falsely accused criminal defendants who face charges every day, week, month and year. Maybe you'll think more carefully about who's guilty and who's not, and who's life you're going to ruin by filing spurious charges. You have to know that there's often little or no distinction between defendant and victim, and a lot of sacrificial lambs get destroyed in the process.

  8. #8
    The agency backed Rick. We all backed Rick. The SO paid for his legal defense, called in our own experts to testify at his trial. The feds were able to use our own experts testimony to show that the version of events as told by Rick was not possible. I don't wish a year in the federal pen. on any brother deputy or officer, but I can not support this man that lied to his friends, his agency, and on the stand while under oath. Feds advised that if he took a year inside then they would not pursue perjury charges. I'm not looking to bash the man, but it only seems fair to advise what you are being asked to donate money to.

  9. #9

    Re: Wrongly Accused

    Quote Originally Posted by Griff
    How many of you have ever thought about loosing your careers, your homes, your freedom; all because of a false accusation? As Cops we are constantly judged by public perception for decisions that we have to make. Now imagine that accuser having the right connections, and embellishing his story to not only get you in trouble at your job, but getting you sent to prison? That is exactly what is happening to Rick Farnham, a former Pinellas and Hillsborough Deputy.

    Rick was deployed to Pensacola in the aftermath of a destructive hurricane. In uniform, he and a Santa Rosa Deputy were checking a vacated home, when they were confronted by an angry neighbor, who believed they were looters, and didn't take a second to recognize that he was firing his handgun, not at criminals, but at uniformed Law Enforcement Officers. Rick deployed his taser, and subsequently subdued the man. A struggle ensued involving the man's angry wife, as well as other angry neighbors coming to his defense. The intricate details of this struggle are what is being argued, however all parties have agreed that the man fired his handgun, and was tasered. In a surreal decision, the State Attorney arbitrarily "no filed" on the man. Coincidentally, the man is a retired NY City Corrections Captain, and his neighbor is a retired high ranking officer from the military. Each of them used connections to file a Civil Rights complaint agaist Rick. The Pinellas Sheriff's Office defended Rick through the entire process. Unbelievably, Rick was convicted for a Misdemeanor Federal Civil Rights Violation. He has been sentenced to 12 months in Federal Prison. He resigned from the Sheriff's Office after the verdict, and is now loosing everything.

    In addition to the sentence, Rick was ordered to pay $2500.00 in restitution. He also has a civil trial coming up for litigation. I realize that there are those who do not like Rick, or choose to believe the other sides version of events. This post isn't here for bashing Rick, please use another thread to voice that. For those of you who are as disgusted as I am that this has happened, an Account has been set up at all Bank of America Branches, for Non tax deductible donations. Even a $1.00 bill will help. If you want to donate money, go to any Bank of America branch, simply put the account number on the front of the envelope and whatever amount you wish to donate, and drop it in the night deposit box anonymously. The Bank of America Account number is 229005152048.

    Thanks in advance for your help

    blah blah blah blah...flexing your cop muscles gets you nowhere but into trouble eventually


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