The Gary Rotten and Herb Poison Show...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    The Gary Rotten and Herb Poison Show...

    "City Council member Herb Polson wants to start a discussion about changing the cost-sharing balance, saying the current plan is difficult to defend given the pressure on local government budgets."

    "We haven't compared ourselves on a regular basis with some of the private sector companies," said Gary Cornwell, St. Petersburg's human resources director. "We're starting to look at that now."

    Generous health benefits have long been a perk of government employment. With local governments forced by a new state law to roll back property taxes, some are saying it's time to cut back. Here's the percentage of health plan costs that local governments are paying this year; employees pay the remainder. Workers are responsible for paying plan deductibles and copayments.

    Pasco County: 100 percent*

    Clearwater: 100 percent**

    Tampa: 100 percent***

    Hillsborough County: 80 percent

    Pinellas County: 78 percent

    St. Petersburg: 75 percent

    Yup... that's the answer. As you can see, we reside at the bottom of another benefits list, yet again, with Gary and Herb firming up plans to rob us of still more benefits in a city known for it's Pulbic Safety defectors.

    What's amazing -- they don't even try to hide the fact that they have no concerns whatsoever about not being competitive.

    St. Petersburg is an ill city with Human Relations being the puss pocket that needs to be eviscerated.

    FD Bro'

  2. #2
    Its funny that Polson wants to look at cutting medical benefits, According to todays Times Polson is a retired 30 year employee from the City. I wonder if he ever thought of those cuts when he was an employee and also if it would effect his benefits as a retiree....probably not.

  3. #3
    H.P. is an idiot. Wait until the election he will be kissing everyones arse for votes. He can kiss mine for nothing.....screw H.P.

  4. #4

    = benefits

    I say let the City go ahead and make use equal with everyone else. From my calculations they owe me about 25% of my health insurance costs X 25 years. You go Herb!

  5. #5

    What it is.....

    Folks, what you are seeing is the beginning of posturing by the City to soak you at contract time, the voicing of "possible" cuts in benefits is a tactic so that when they come to the table, they can make keeping the status quo part of their offer.

    For instance, they offer unionized employees 2 to 3% and make the "generous" offer to hold the line against benefit reductions. It's a pseudo offer, thats all.

    They reduce benefits, more people leave. Keep in mind all of these cuts are prior to any tax rollback even occurring.....

  6. #6
    They also want to lock in a three year sh!t deal because even they know the cuts wont be as bad as they think. Look around at all the new high rise condos. Thats enough to severely offset some of the pending cuts

  7. #7
    They have 3 asst mayor positions that should go byebye. The voters in this city friggin amaze me with what they allow downtown to get away with.


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