Another Vet Resigns
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  1. #1

    Another Vet Resigns

    Glad to be gone.

  2. #2

    Re: Another Vet Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Staff Infection
    Glad to be gone.
    Give us a name!!

  3. #3

    Good Man who had enough


  4. #4

    Re: Good Man who had enough

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    going PCSO?

  5. #5

    Vet's Leaving

    Interesting isn't it? Originally, the conventional wisdom was we would only continue to lose the newbies and folks with under five years, as the "pension" would keep the vets here. Thus, we could hide the effects of constant turnover and the fact that the level of service you get from a LEO with under five years experience is markedly different than a ten year plus veteran. No one really notices the new folks coming and going because the presence of a smattering of vets keeps everything status quo.

    (Before the youngsters start screaming, thats not an insult to the new folks, it's reality, there is so much job knowledge gained in this business in years five through ten, if you don't get it, I can't explain it to you)

    In the past few months though, some very talented vets have started to pull the plug, well past the ten year mark but no where near their retirements. Anybody think this is a true sign of the problems we have here? Folks are willing to pitch a pension reachable in their mid forties because they just don't dig it here anymore.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    "...the conventional wisdom was we would only continue to lose the newbies and folks with under five years, as the "pension" would keep the vets here."
    It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone here. While it's not often talked about, (in so many words) public safety professionals are in the position they're in, due in large part to "character and a strong values system."

    Men and women of character will stick with the captain of a sinking ship till the bitter end. Those same men and women of character, resent the very fact that those in positions of leadership above them exhibit a total lack of it.

    The internal conflict that comes with being forced to compromise one's values on a daily basis is often times too much to take and we're seeing great Brothers and Sisters leave on a daily basis and it hurts.

    It's not a surprise that 'our' most immediate past fire chief was picked up in the Keys for DUI. He got away with the very same charges 'here' time after time and it was an embarrassment to all of us. I guess the locals down there didn't realize that he was the acting fire chief just yet!

    Once we get past the numerous character flaws within our individual departments --- there's always the nagging constant that remains within the city of St. Petersburg... a Mayor, Council and Human Relations Department that have absolutely no respect for... or show admiration towards their city's Police Officers, Fire Fighters or Fire Fighter Paramedics.

    Sh!t rolls down hill and our biggest problems lie within the confines of City Hall.

    After three years of negotiating with a brick wall, the men and women of St. Petersburg Association of Fire Fighters - Local 747 went before council for an impasse hearing. Williams made a motion to limit us to 3.5% for the '05-'06 year in arrears. That’s it! No pension improvements, no overtime for all hours worked over 52 hours - nada! He had a meeting to get to at 6:30 and we weren't going to hold him up! Danner quickly seconds his motion and we’re stuck! Again, the city rides on our backs! They tell us that they weren’t going to negotiate for the negotiators and for us to get back to it! Some of them simply didn’t want to deal with it. They turned their backs on us – essentially flipping us off! To add insult to injury, the one missing council member (John Bryan) is later heard to say in a public venue, “They better be glad that ‘I’ wasn’t there. If I were, I wouldn’t have given those lazy Fire Fighters anything!”

    John Bryan - citizen and statesman.

    He holds our future in his hands.

    FD Bro'

  7. #7

    Truly Sad.............

    It is truly sad that council members and other elected officials, routinely turn their backs on public service workers in such a way. It is not until the golden hour that they or one of their loved ones depend on Police or Fire personnel to save the day, that they truly appreciate the sacrifices made.

  8. #8

    Best of Luck

    Best of luck to you Riggs, you did some great work here at SPPD. Keep your head up, you were a great cops stuck in the wrong place.

  9. #9
    Wow...Riggs is leaving?! Does anyone know if Murtaugh is staying or is he following Riggs?

  10. #10
    i think you meant danny "glover"

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