no need to wonder how the staff feels about you
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  1. #1

    no need to wonder how the staff feels about you

    this is a just a little reminder of how the sppd staff feels about the rank and file officers under thier command. thursday night just after 10pm an on duty officer went to the hospital with severe chest pains and as of saturday afternoon was still in the hospital. at the time that officer went to the hospital there were two watch commanders working LB and CW which one do you think went to the hospital to check on that officer? answer, neither. guess when that officers district comander or asst chief contacted the officer or thier family? answer, hasn't happened.

    do not think that this agencies staff cares about you or your family they don't and there in lies the severe morale problems this agency faces.

    shame on the staff members for not checking on that officer or contacting that officers family.

  2. #2
    Maybe there were just to busy :lol: I hope that the officer gets better soon.

  3. #3
    What's the initials of the officer so we can check on him and his family. I haven't heard a thing about it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    That sux.

    Over here on the FD side of the street, if you're injured while on duty, two Brothers and/or Sisters accompany you and stay with you. If you are injured to the point that you find yourself hospitalized, (while on or off duty) several of the chiefs will check on you - daily. A 'watchman' in uniform can always be found outside the I.C.U. or Pt.'s room to greet visitors and relay the latest information. This is a highly prized position and is sought after by personnel, both on and off duty. A Brother or Sister is never left alone! These acts are NOT limited to active duty personnel alone but are extended to retirees also.

    Leadership can and should be emulated. Look no further than this Mayor for ALL of the failures that filter down through the ranks of our two public service agencies. There is little of value to emulate in our city hall.

    FD Bro'

    One thousand and eighty-nine days of bargaining for a labor contract worthy of a Fire Fighter serving the fourth largest city in the state of Florida.

    See you all at our impasse hearing on March 6th.

  5. #5

    Our Staff

    They are all a joke in uniform. Could it be this officer is not in the protected status of our agency? I think that if I go to the ER with chest pain it would most likely be caused by them and I would not want to see any of them in my treatment room. I may add an information card to my shirt pocket to let them know my wishes should I end up injured/ill.

    Hope all is well with this officer and family.


  6. #6


    WHO is the officer? This is not a trick question.

  7. #7

    Re: who?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    WHO is the officer? This is not a trick question.
    officer crisco

  8. #8
    I too hope you get better soon. I'm sure that if you were a Sgt or above they might have check on you. Sad, but I think true. Take your time returning back to work your health is more important.

  9. #9
    Even that lame excuse for a chief, Darrell Stephens, took the time to make a phone call to me the next day after I was injured (minor at that) on the job.

  10. #10

    Stop wondering

    I stopped wondering years ago. The mayor of this city has allowed this once great police department to be totally demoralized.


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