Motors - Page 2
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Thread: Motors

  1. #11
    Relax u are a moron,, How bout a you go learn how to ride then explain if u were there. If you were you know the real deal so cool off..

  2. #12


    you proved my point for me. that's always refreshing.

  3. #13
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    pull the report for yourself. learn to ride, please I'm no weekend warrior.

  4. #14
    normal replies to a good question. you idiots turn it into a slam fest over opinions and gramar.

    We dont have motors because our admin doesnt want them, first and foremost.

    The obvious drawbacks are:

    #1 no a/c

    #2 no room for a 10-15

    #3 no air bag

    #4 no safety in a crash

    #5 no need when unmarked cruisers can do the job

    #6 no a/c

    bash away tards......

  5. #15
    A long long time ago (1967-70)in a place closeby (Clearwater), they had motors. In a period of less than 3 years, they lost 3 good police officers to motor crashes in the line of duty. All caused by the other driver. The problem is riding a ploice bike makes one into Superman. You da man on a fast rocket that can go places where a car can't. So you take that chance. You are still invisable to the old lady out on a date from the nursing home. You may not be at fault but it's gonna get ya. Go to some more funerals and see the kids who lost Superman.

  6. #16


    If you go to and look at the cause of deaths for most of those officers, you will see the majority of it is from Car Crashes... Thats CAR CRASHES. Clearwater PD has lost a good amount of LEO's to Motorcycle crashes ON-DUTY. SAFETY is the number one priority for a police officer (REMEMBER that in the POLICE Academy!!). I love motorcycles and think it would be a great asset to PCSO BUT I can almost guarantee a PC DEP will lose his life on one of those if are agency were to make a Motor Unit.

    So far (**KNOCK ON WOOD**) our agency has not had an officer die in the line of duty. Did you forget? Why start becoming statistics for that website above?

    **No disrespect to any officer who died in the line of duty AND to any officer killed/injured on a motorcycle**

    Stay safe.

  7. #17


    46 out of 644... thats 7% of deaths in the line of duty were just motorcycle crashes. Thats going back from 1908 to present. Sorry fellas... I think a bike is a No-Go

  8. #18
    You goota be kidden me, you sissys thzt cant ride a bike need to think about not bashing a seasoned rider. I think alot of sig 7 are based on a bad decesion. F/U

  9. #19
    00-06, that had to be just about the dumbest reply anyone could have given to the poster. Yes, I'm sure you feel all bad a$$ because you got to say F/U to someone you don't know and are not face to face with, but there is nothing wrong with what dep8 posted. Not once did he or she ever "bash a seasoned rider". The facts are; motors are a waste of money, they are a waste of time, and they pose an unnecessary risk to the officers riding them. True, there are many benefits to having motor units, but not enough to gamble the risk of an officers life. If it makes you feel like you're a hard a$$ to put on your fake leather vest and dusty boots, and ride around like an a$$hole, then by all means have at it. Don't expect any of the rest of us to turn our heads and be impressed, and don't expect any of us to think your views on recreational riding really matter in the professional scheme of things.

  10. #20
    To the guest that called me dumb. I wouldnt worry bout the motorcycle deal. Why dont you learn how to be a cop first. Im sure your lacking in firearm, self defense and a varity of other skills. I wouldnt have a problem telling face to face because im sure your a coward. I could think of alot of other things in this job that are dangerous. If your scared just say so,,,will understand.

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