we knew this was going to happen....scumbags!
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  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Northside St. Petersburg

    we knew this was going to happen....scumbags!

    Shooting Suspect’s Family Hires Lawyer
    The family of the man shot 68 times by a SWAT team in Polk County has hired a lawyer.

    Law enforcement fired a total of 110 rounds at Angelo Freeman after deputies say he was holding a gun following a massive manhunt.

    It all started last week after Freeman was pulled over in a routine traffic stop, and fled into the woods. It was then when Freeman reportedly shot and killed Deputy Matt Williams and his K-9 partner Diogi.

    Deputy Doug Speirs was also shot, but survived.

    Attorney Grady Irvin says he wants the governor to investigate the case, and not the Polk County Attorney.

    The Freeman family says they were completely unaware Angelo may have been involved in any illegal activities.
    __________________________________________________ __

    Grady Irvin loves making accusations against police officers. A few years back he made a "profiling" accusation against an officer. I guess Grady thinks a black man can drive around with an expired tag with impunity.

    Sorry Grady, Polk County ain't St. Pete....you'll be run outta the county on a rail.....not even a scholarship for his illegitimate children.

  2. #2
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
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    Apr 2006
    Northside St. Petersburg
    I feel a little better after reading this:

    Irvin said the family had not seen Freeland's body, which was picked up from the morgue Thursday, because it was so badly mangled by the bullets.

    "There were bullet holes everywhere," Irvin said, noting one of Freeland's hands was shot off. "They were in his head. In his face. I understand he had perfect teeth. Those were unbelievable when I saw them."

  3. #3

    polk shooting draws lawsuit

    maybe st pete can dedicate another gym for the cop killer like they did in st pete

    or a memorial park at taxpayer's expense

    or appoint someone to the citizen's review committee

    or open a store to benefit their revolution

    or sell pies to the public to raise money

    or...well you ought to get the idea of how it's done in st pete

    ...tell me, did you fall for the party line and vote for this clown mayor?


  4. #4
    Here's some info....have at it my brothers!!!!! God bless Deputy Matt Williams and Diogi!!!

    Posted: 10/05/06 17:57:51 Post subject: Re: Please advise


    info needed wrote:
    Any one with a phone number or email for this attorney, The info will be put to good use. I will be bying a billboard as close as I can find to his office, saying I support COP killers....

    Grady C. Irvin, Jr.
    Chairman of the Firm
    813.554.3282 Telephone

    Here is a link to his website....go get 'em!!!!


  5. #5
    Member LEO Affairs Road Patrol
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Hood, St Pete, FL

    Here is Better Email address


    I figure most of you know what a 'yahoo' - 'hotmail' - 'gmail' or other type unknown email accounts are used for.
    Stand Back, I Have A Camera... And I WILL SHOOT!

  6. #6
    Member LEO Affairs Detective
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The trenches of St. Petersburg
    Irvin and all the rest of them useless jump on the bandwagon pos can rot in hell!!!! He got almost what he deserved. The other 42 rounds in his head would have been better. If you murder an officer, kill his dog, shoot at two other officers and then raise the murdered officers firearm at a swat team....you deserve to die!!!!!!

    I'm glad the pos is dead and hope that during the time he layed there hiding like a scared rat he was thinking about the impending death he faced. Welcome to the real world!!!!!!!!
    St. Pete was once a place of honor, It can be again......


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