Waste of time
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Thread: Waste of time

  1. #1

    Waste of time

    This forum is a waste knowing that the Mod deletes any negative criticism of the department. Mr. Mod needs to understand that this is what a forum is for, not to only praise the department but to criticize it as well.

    Gee Mod, wonder why no one will post when you report back to the admin who is posting??

  2. #2


    To 777,

    Obviously, you are one of those conspiracy freaks who think everyone is going to report you to admin. I agree with the mod that any post that is a direct personal attack on someone should be deleted. If you have something to say to someone, don't hide behind the anonimity of your computer, grow a set, and go tell them. Everyone is scared of talking on the board...but that is what this is for. Our department, just like every other PD has problems, so why not hash them out here.
    As far as direct attacks on people, enough said, but if you have a problem with the inner workings of our Dept.....speak!
    I voiced my opinion, now where is yours?

  3. #3

    software attack

    No personal attacks, just peoplesoft.


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