Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie Gibson View Post
Ayep... it is what it is. I guess there are worse places to blow the bucks on.

I really wanted to support and campaign for the new HQs but i also think they went way beyond any sense of reasonableness. It is unfair for today's citizens to pay for the lack of planning in the past AND pay for the growth for the next 40 years. The extra space sounds great in theory. Maybe they should have gone with a campus and add buildings as needed and as we could afford.

It is pretty tone deaf to the taxpayers that are getting screwed from all directions.. and frankly, no relief to come no matter what happens in November.

So now it is up to the voters.. I expect they will get what they want. They wont get my vote.

PS.. Come Nov ballot, they are planning on another referendum to provide your CM the ability to borrow up to 28.5 M without asking the taxpayer. The 28.5M number they are asking for is what the County allows for. The County has a 2 Billion a year budget; NoPo has a 250M ish budget.
It's time to reel in the wasteful spending and carte blanc checkbook. Inflation is at an all time high, groceries and yes taxes are straining our finances. But yet, without any remorse or sympathy for the taxpayers and their families NPPD officials and yes our commissioners are opening up our wallets to again create more taxes and spending. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO NEED FOR A NEW POLICE HQ. The PD claims its not big enough, no room for evidence etc. As reported by NPPD 70% of their calls are traffic related and out of all those tickets given out and aLL THAT MONEY SPENT ON TRAFFIC UNIT (35+ MILLION DOLLARS, THE CITY GETS NOT ONE DIME FROM THESE TICKETS. GREAT INVESTIMENT THERE. Now the present HQ is centrally located and easily accessible to the taxpayer, if needed. Response time to most places in the city is under 10 mins. The bldg might be dated . In reality there is no need for this at this time, most of us are living paycheck to paycheck, despite what the city states, your tax bill next yr will skyrocket, spending is out of control, but it is clearly apparent the admin is purposely running this bldg down, look at the roof, damaged in IAN and still not repaired, it is a fortress inside. Need more room, the county wants to consolidate communications, plenty of room there, the garage is unneeded, plenty of room there and in the lot for an addition. Now without taxpayer knowledge or approval the city purchased a 4 acre lot on toledo at tropicare, known as the boonies, on the outskirts of the city, why the secrecy and location. The PD commissioned a study from a very friendly source, had the land cleared surveyed and architectural plans all drawn up, who authorized this and paid for this, we did. If it wasn't so stupid of an excuse, the city says well in 50 yrs we will have 650 officers and will need more room, what a pathetic and stupid thing to say. Since the horror of the past police admin the taxpayers have given in to every whim or idea presented by the police admin, traffic ghost cars 35 million and now they removed the ghost marking they paid for, two Harleys, 5 grand stipend per officer last year, generous contract which makes officers eligible to make over 100K per year. and yes the 75 grand Tahoe's. The list goes on. Let us not forget the new sniper tower and the good humor swat like truck 500 gr and and the list goes on. Now that other PDs have a new station NPPD needs to be bigger and better. They rallied there supporters, wives, GF, badge bunnies etc to attend the last meeting to sway the commissioners vote. Most of us are living paycheck to paycheck, we cannot afford higher taxes, this will add $300 or more in taxes to your bill. If we don't support this, no one will quit or fail to respond, we are in a very bad economy and yet the NPPD still wants more. They don't care because they don't live here !!!! Contact your commissioners tell them NO on and new referendums or spending. Its our money, not there's Remember the propose new HQ adds 15 min response time to 41, not taxpayer convenient, but has room for a helicopter and fixed wing aircraft, oops not included in the 122 million, will be back later for these funds. STOP THE FISCAL IRRESPONSIBILITY BEFORE WE GO BANKRUPT again