Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Biden says "he was vice-president for 36 years" & he took the train to see his dead family "after my wife and daughter were killed"

Biden's video comments (7 seconds):

The 25th Amendment (to remove Biden for mental instability) is on-the-way, but before Kamala Harris can be sworn-in as the president of the United States, the military Q operation will intervene.
Dementia and Alzheimer's affects different people in different ways. Sometimes they have good days and sometimes they have bad days. Sometimes they are functional and other times they are clearly not in full command of their mental faculties. If the video of Biden is real (and it appears real), then his removal from office via the 25th Amendment may be needed.

If the U.S. military (via operation Q) seizes control, before Kamala Harris can be sworn in, then it is perfectly legitimate via the U.S. Constitution. Everything must be above board, legal and Constitutional for the American public to accept it. Only Antifa will be rioting when operation Q is executed, but the insurrectionists (Antifa/Marxists) will be squelched when the Insurrection Act is invoked by President Trump.

We love Q.