D2 night B squad mates, when these jobless pissants show up at D2 to pick fights with us, keep this in mind. If the agency gave a crap, it would have fenced in the area, put up a gates. Like it did for its people at the SOC.

Being that the agency don’t care about the D2 office, this includes fleet and everything in between, why should we care? Let auditors walk around, film, look in, photograph tags, whatever. The minute you engage auditors, you lose, and become the bad guy. Nobody will stand up for you. We are constantly being put in lose lose situations, so pick the lesser evil. Get recorded arguing or get recorded waking away. Just walk away. None of that crap belongs to you at the district. When calls come out about auditors at a post office, roll by, no crime, X8. The post office can change their policies and not use us to make up for a lack of security.

The bigger issue is there are no laws protecting us from harassment while doing our jobs. Our jobs require full concentration, split second decisions, and attention to detail, yet People can pick fights with us, while we are working, for their monetary gain. For likes, subscribes, views, subscribers, and other lame online reasons. That being said, why continue to do our jobs?? If there is no protection for us, screw them. X8. Clear your call, environment not conducive to doing police work. This is by design! Why are the important high ranking people of this agency and surrounding agencies not headed to important government places and petitioning for us?

Being that our legal team is MIA and we have received no guidance, no help, and there are no plans In place for when auditors show up other than let them verbally abuse us and stop our investigations many times. Do not engage. Walk away. Your going to be in trouble regardless. In trouble and on video for doing nothing or for having done something then scrutinized. If your on a call and they show up, leave. Unless you are x15 or doing CPR on someone, leave. Tell your complainants you will get with them later. If you work in a sheriffs office building, lock the door. Deal with repercussions for that later. I’m sure it will be far less than if you would have let them in. On a traffic stop and auditor shows up, leave! You are not supported enough to continue that that traffic stop by our government, the law, and the people. On victim calls, if auditor shows up, tell victims that people are allowed to impede our investigations, so the investigation is no longer possible, end it, advise them to write to our government leaders and demand our support, and Leave! Same on traffic crashes. X8.

Untill laws change to support us. Unless agency leaders push for change. WALK AWAY. Let them learn the hard way. Without us. The auditors have a ton of followers. Meaning not many supports us. So why support them?

It’s lose, lose or lose. The objective is to lose the least. Better yet, find a real career. This has truly become a joke. Lastly, our legal team is a joke. Many of these situation have clearly been obstructions, but we are told to disengage.

If people are allowed to impede our investigations, then our investigations are not important. If our investigations are not important, why care or even bother doing them?