Why so much hate against Espin and Macias?

Give details of the wrong doings these 2 have done?

My personal experience with these 2 have been nothing but great. They are knowledgeable in their field, they have NOT slept their way to their positions. And have not let their gold badge weigh them down.

First off, Macias is a straight shooter and is not about that BS. Anyone that knows her knows that to be true.

Espin, has proven herself a hard worker. Hell dealing with all the BS with trainings and organizing all this mess is not an easy task.

So if someone has had an actual work related problem with these 2 ….spill the beans. Otherwise shut the **** up stop being a little hating *****….your either another female officer who is a spiteful **** or an officer who got turned down and has his little nutsack feelings hurt.