Some questions/thoughts.

Raye was married in to a well connected LEO family before Mark and has children with Ben Tanner. Does anyone know how those poor girls are? I feel for them. I know Raye and Ben lost a child and that had to be awful for the siblings, now this.

Why does her DOC number start with K? Any person convicted in St Johns would have a DOC number that starts with V. Has she had a previous conviction in another County? That's the only way she could have a DOC number that isn't from St John's unless they purposely did that to attempt to hide her identity to other inmates....

And, that is the major question.....will she do her time in Florida and if so, will she do all the in segragation? If other inmates know she has LEO family and is former quasi LEO, she could face some pretty sticky circumstances? And, they will find out who she is, no doubt.

Will Mark Brutnell become a visitor at any facility she's at? If so, will said facility then mind their p's and q's instead of business as usual at State Correctional Facilities? In fact, staff might just treat her as badly as the inmates might....

Points to ponder....any answers or thoughts welcomed.