Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
I hate to break it to you, but Rand has absolutely NO CHOICE! Trust me when I tell you. I know Duke like the back of my hand. I've been following his corrupt ways since 2016. He has Rand by the throat. Make no mistake. Rand has no control over the bullshit that Duke is pulling. Please believe me. I know what I'm talking about. Seriously!!!
There is nothing that can be done. The citizens of the city chose not be involved in local politics and the takeover took place. Now the CM will drive the city to the brink of financial emergency at the same time replace any an all remnants of the old NMBPD. He will replace the current command and install friends and family. He will also give a friendly contract to the rank and file as to basically buy their allegiance so that they will not publicly buck him. This PD will be on paper a good agency, the citizens will think all is hunky but will be a pit of misery to work for. They will prop up worthless commanders to say all is awesome and the officers will go along with it out if fear. The NMBPD that used to be reveered is gone. Living on that old rep. It's over so stop saying hes trying to save this place because it's been gone for a while now we just didn't want to face it.