Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I don’t think that you could ever find one person that thinks Trump was perfect. Yes, he said plenty of things that he shouldn’t have but can you name one thing the Democrats accomplished during their tenure prior to Trump? Trump accomplished a very long list of items he said he would. Can you honestly tell me that this country is better off now since Biden and Kamala took office. Come on, look at the border!! Trump had it on lock down. Now we have 6000 a day flooding in. If you are in law enforcement (which I doubt) how could you possibly support Biden and the Democrats? Biden is as corrupt as any politician in history. He and his son are still lining their pockets, compliments of the Chinese but I guess that’s okay, huh? It’s not a matter of respect for the man but this country was far better off and much safer with Republicans in control. You are living in fantasy land if you think things are better since Biden took office and the Dems took back control of the Senate. God help this country
Previous poster said "no one likes Biden". Out of "a very long list of items" he said he would accomplish, all you can cite is a partial wall that WE paid for??

Trump is just as corrupt, he just hasn't been in politics long. He is well known for screwing over "the little guy" contractors on his projects. He would partially pay upfront, then just never pay the balance. He knew the little guys would never sue Trump!

Many went bankrupt because they went all in, thought this was a great opportunity to make it big working with Trump's organization. No he fukked the little guys! He lied to, and used working class people then and he's doing it now.

I voted for him in round 1 because I wanted to see if a non politician could make a difference. Maybe someone else, but not him. He is the wrong person. He is laughing behind your back, making fun of the little guys who blindly follow him. It's all about followers to him, he has nothing in common with the little guy. Have you ever seen him go into a crowd anywhere and meet people? Nope.Because he talks shizz about the little guy and couldn't care less, unless they are the butt of a joke.