Say it ain't so. Presenting to the commission options for either body cams and/or in car cameras? Increase accountability? Really? A camera isn't going to start making a person accountable. It hasn't in the past and won't in the future. Heed the advice of Sheriff Judd on cameras. He's been around the block once or twice and prefers not to use them.

So how are his Deputies accountable then? By them knowing what's expected of them and consequences for decisions with poor intent.

Where are the priorities amidst all this camera talk? What about asking for more cops to handle calls instead of creating another specialty unit to take personnel from patrol?

What about raises to those who currently serve?

And lastly, what about something that makes the job easier, not more complicated?

In this difficult time of policing, who is trying to make things better for the most valuable asset, the employee?

Let that last question linger for a few minutes. If you have an answer, support those people and give them your allegiance.