Dobson was a great man and leader. You all need new politicians and outsiders to turn that place around. You have promoted two trouble makers to temporarily run the department while a national search is conducted. Jenkins had a drive by at her house where her husband was killed. Sergio has been fired twice. One of the times chasing a 22 that was involved in an accident killing 4 people. He should be in jail let alone running a police department.

You have a city manager making 172,000 a year. That’s one of the problems. He was a cop for 5 years then a chief of an agency smaller than the triangle. And you guys hire him. There are so many questionable moves coming from you guys. All that is happening in that agency JD inherited. How can he move the agency forward or train if he doesn’t have the money for it. $11,000 a year for training! Really? Either have the state come in and find that place to run the right way or let the county absorb it. Too much corruption from its elected officials.