1. Q and Military Intelligence have been planning for an Antifa Insurrection for a long time:
    Source: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9443193.html#9443386
  2. For example, over two years ago, Q told us that there would be "riots and temporary military control," BUT the best is yet to come:
  3. Q told us from the very beginning: The only way is military - and Antifa/Soros is the justification for military force:
  4. Here is video (59 seconds) of Hillary Rodham Clinton praising George Soros. Listen to the remarks made by Soros:
  5. The last several days of ANTIFA attacks against the White House and other DC targets says a lot. Here is a pic of military police standing on the steps of the Lincoln memorial to protect it from Antifa:
  6. Here is an interesting summary from a civilian of what is going on:
  7. Big things are coming! Here is a POTUS tweet: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/45...1ecedf0942.png

We are strategically prepared for an Insurrection. We will not lose.

God bless the United States, the Constitution, POTUS and SCOTUS!