Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
it was announced today thet Capt CM is being promoted to deputy chief, yeah, no surprise here. Is he qualified under the job description as posted, did the HR look or advertise for a better candidate???. No to both. He is not qualified simply because he still only has his HS education, does not actually have the required Bachelors degree, Yeah I know he is working on it, but so wasn't KV. As an interim chief, he was less than stellar, he pouted and lied to get his tank, spent thousands on his traffic unit and failed to bring the PD as they say up to par. CM is a political hack who has the support of Queen VC and her present entrouge. His leadership abilities have already been shown in his support of KV and his acceptance and participation in KV's antics. He was just as much responsible as KV and MP, as they say vicarious liability flows uphill. He was the top cop in patrol and responsible for all uniformed officers and we should never ever forget what transpired there. I know he has that stupid grin and tells us what we want to hear, but beware, he is the leader of the good old boys and subscribes to there philosophy Yes I get it Chief Karma is here, don't rely on him, its all been a smokescreen. Chief Karma will only be here a short time, he will be forced out as soon as his deputy chief is ready and wants his job or before Queen VC is termed out. The deputy chief is just a culpable in what has and to some extent is still transpiring at the NPPD. KV and MP needed to go, there's no question there. CM was the leader of the uniformed division and he sold his men and women right down the tubes, yeah I know what could he have done, he could have used his political influences and righted this wrong and did nothing. He is and never will be a leader, he is a political hack, even with Chief Karma's appointment nothing is going to change here as long as CM and his cronies and Capt A still remain.
I might not fully agree with the above, but it has valid points. First I work here also, positive changes, well we will see when the dust settles. I been around to long to buy into this crap.There is a system in place for promotions. Job is posted and there are actually job requirements which must be met before you can even apply, one such is for commander and above you need a bachelors degree, not working on it, you need to have it. CM does not have any degree. This job was not posted to my knowledge, internally or externally, applications were not accepted, candidates were not interviewed as REQUIRED !!!!!! Let us not kid ourselves, he would have been appointed anyway, but the process would have been followed.The whole process is a political sham. I am not a good old boy nor am I a Kiss a$$. I have been on the tell you one thing and do the other of our Captain. He is a politician first and a somewhat LEO second. That's ok. Let us remember he himself declined to apply for the chiefs position stating he was not ready to be a leader, yet here he is being appointed second in command without following the process. He cannot hide from his past lack of leadership fiascos. Here this city admin touts change and what do they do, bypass the process, appoint there next chief, giving him a big raise. Breaking the established rules is what has gotten this PD to this point. No accountability or ethics, so really nothing has changed.