Chief, do yourself and the city a favor. Remove K. Simmons immediately. The poor Commander has no idea what she is doing and it will land the city in a lawsuit. She has no idea how to properly deploy her resources, doesn’t understand what minimum staffing is. I would love to be in the next compstat to see how arrests have dropped in the north end. Crimes have risen in every other zone other then the square. Calls for service holding for hours while supervisors are responding to priority calls because four units are to be “saturating” aka dog and pony show in the square along with one guarding the command center. Really? How about paying OEM Overtime to sit there? The north end has been notorious for its homicides and shootings for 20 years, it will not change until the area is demolished. Until then go back to normal and let the criminals exterminate themselves. The officers and supervisors have had enough, morale is at an all time low and officers are burning I time to avoid being there. Do it for us. It’s the least you can do.