Don't know about the rest of you, but I find it really irritating how much time and effort that some on this site spend trying to identify and out other posters so that they can hurl personal insults at them and attack, criticize, shame, embarrass and belittle them. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t care who's making these posts. After all, isn't that the point of an anonymous site like this? To those who try to out other posters, you just come across as mean, childish and petty and do nothing to advance your position. Worse, your personal attacks make it seem like you have no valid points of your own if all you do is attack the poster and not the post. So let's just agree that everyone who posts on this site (including me) has an agenda or an unavoidable bias shaped by their own experiences. To me, the identity of the poster has no bearing on whether or not a post is factually accurate and makes a good, valid, relevant point. So with that as a starting point, here's a thought: let's knock off the personal attacks against the posters and instead make your case by commenting on the content and accuracy of a post and whether you agree or disagree on the points being made, and why. That's how we can tell who has the best and most compelling argument, that's what I want to read and that's why I come to this site. Can I get an Amen?