As of late today, it looks as if sheriff Mike Adkinson is going to finally earn his salary and have to deal with a swift blow from the state legislature as it pertains to "customary use" of the Walton County Beaches.

Mike did a great job putting up a front and creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), that by his own deputies admissions, was created to "not be enforceable". Some Private Property Owners spent thousands of dollars to be in compliance, obtaining surveys and setting GPS cords, yet received no service, only excuses.

Ironically, the Walton County BCC, at that same time, pushed for "customary use" and essentially "took" peoples private property. Thus, giving the chosen one the ability to selectively enforce private property rights with the beach front property. (see article)

Some of the beach front owners finally caught on to this and fought it, spending thousands, possibly millions of dollars. Now a bill has passed the House, passed the Senate and is slated for final approval.

This will ultimately take away any and all excuses sheriff Mike Adkinson has had to NOT enforce Private Property Rights and will force him to once, finally, take a stand to do what the people of Walton County want him to do. Enforce State Law and Local County Ordinances (Parking, Noise, etc.). Why can't a guy slated to head FDLE do this?

Many of the influential voters have started to realize the sham that was perpetrated by the Adkinson Administration and how this has negatively effected private property owners.

It will be interesting to see how the Spin Doctor himself, attempts to "spin" this as he so eloquently did in a recent local news article. (see below)

sheriff Mike Adkinson does not represent the private property owner, he reps the developers, looking to make a quick $$$ by destroying the area and over development.

Catching Perverts, Thugs and other obvious Criminals is something any law enforcement professional can do with the proper authority and budget, its not that hard.

Enforcing Local and State Law that effects your voting base, political donations and your elected and possible future job security is another story completely.

Let's see how he'll do...

For the betterment of our County, I hope he does step up and put his political aspirations aside and do what he was elected to do.

Time will tell.