After watching all this *****ing for years about pay I offer this advice. You all knew what the pay was when you applied then come here and act shocked and insulted by it.

Second you all have FL LEO Certs LEAVE go apply elsewhere and find that pay you think you deserve!! If you just stay and complain then you are part of the problem.....

And before you whine about pensions and all that crap SO's and many city police agencies are on the same pension plan so you wont loose anything..

Stop complaining nobody is keeping you at FHP if your not a slug then apply elsewhere and earn that pay you think your worth.

PS> Before you attack me yes I think FHP is underpaid, but so is all state LEO and has been for 25+ years. WHen they got rid of the step plan in the 1990's spelled the doom of state LEO's. Realize its a fact of life do your two years then bounce!!!