Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
both of them, just because they served their terms, that pays only "their debt to society".

civil is something totally different. they are walking into civil suits which have deep pockets and top flight support behind the plaintiff attorneys. Ninja level PIs and more Ninjas.

Its not going to be pleasant and unlike anything imaginable to people who spent decades skating and manipulating and getting away. Their karma train is approaching Litigation Station, and they will wish Satan was their conductor instead of the crew that's providing litigation support.

You're dealing with highly highly motivated, skilled and patient professionals all the way through the process. The attorneys, the investigators, and some other scary smart specialists. Hiding or transferring assets to avoid judgements or disclosing their existence, dumb, but something almost automatically considered. In their back pocket is a asset tracing genius, forensic accountant type who knows how to put together an iron clad interrogatory for financial disclosure and then use THAT as a roadmap in deposition.

Unless the "respondents" come totally clean (even they cant keep track of their own games), not only will assets be found - and then clawed back (there's the concept of fraudulent transfer) for attachment, perjury and obstruction, maybe fraud come into play. For those on federal probation, its really something to consider "is it worth it"?

Just keep the faith, they will break on their own actions.
Rumor has it that this dirty whore is already sucking some nasty skank with c**k with warts taking advantage of her ex ( Ralphie's ) home and Mama!

Sorry Ralphie, you pickup shit in a dumpster your bound to get cover with s**t. Come on buddy the chick is known in Dade County as the bicycle, Everyone gets a ride.