
I am writing to you because I'm one of the two co-founders of this site. I've seen your agency's message board grow and the traffic is impressive. However, the quality of the content does leave something to be desired at times. Although we started this site with the best of intentions to benefit the grunt level officers first, there are always those who seek to fulfill their own agenda through using it unfortunately. Our Terms of Use are being routinely violated and those from the outside may not always view you professionally because of the content. Yes, I'm talking about violations that include talking about open criminal and/or internal affairs investigations. Our requests for someone to step up and be a moderator have gone unanswered and people seem more interested in just reading improper posts than in reporting them. I don't desire for anyone to get into a pinch because of what they write here, but that is where we are headed if something is not done.

You will shortly see the presence of Monitors who will be authorized to only delete postings that violate our Terms of Use. They are very similar to Moderators and will help set the tone in order to make the Sweetwater PD Message Board a more professional place to voice your concerns or sing your praises. Remember, it's not only what you say but how you say it. This move is being made for the benefit of everyone and for your protection as well.

Thanks for your support and, if you have any questions, give me a call (Chip DeBlock 813-760-2900)