Thank you! I think you officially made the dumbest comment on LEOAffairs.
We can tell you're not even a cop. Good try though.
Let me answer you with a question. Where is the video of the Boston Marathon Bombers making the bomb?
Where is the video of terrorists making bombs to blow up innocent people?
Where are the videos of serial killers killing people?
The fact is, crime happens and believe it or not, without cameras present. We do not work in a world of CSI Miami, but too many clues get left behind.
I've always said it, LT A is a very good cop and a very intelligent person who has made mistakes in his past. He was even administered corrective action on 2 of his investigations. Good cop, definately. Made mistakes, definately.
So don't come here and make a stupid comment like that. He is better off if mindless fools like you don't make anymore comment.
He knows what he has to do and it does not involve you.

To my brothers and sisters at SMPD, don't focus on this stupidity. LT A didn't do any of these things to you, so don't beat him up because of it.