I have a commercial month to month lease for a small office that includes electricity & amenities such as photocopying, fax, conference room, etc. The lease contains the following clause.
"In the event that the rent specified herein is not paid when due, Landlord shall have the option to terminate this lease, in which event Tenant shall immediately surrender the leased Premises to Landlord. But if Tenant shall fail to do so, Landlord may enter upon the leased Premises and expel or remove Tenant and its effects, by force, if necessary, without being liable to prosecution or any claim for damages."
(also, a 3-day notice is not mentioned anywhere on the lease)
A lawyer told me that unless the Tenant surrenders or abandons the premises, the Landlord can only get possession by court action such as an eviction lawsuit. The lawyer also told me that the above clause is considered unconscionable (that is illegal) and unenforceable.
The Landlord may proceed as follows:
1. Despite the above clause, the Landlord proceeds legally by serving a 3-day notice, follow-up with an eviction law suit, obtain a court order for eviction, and call the police to execute the order. (the legal way)
2. Execute the above lease clause using his own way to remove the Tenant (illegal method 1)
3. Call the police, show them the lease, and ask the police to execute the lease clause and remove the tenant. (illegal method 2)
If the Landlord uses illegal method-1 and attempts to expel the Tenant by force, can the Tenant call the police to intervene and tell the police that the Landlord does not have a court order? How can the Tenant convince the police? What if the policeman has no experience and believes that the lease clause is legal?

If the Landlord uses illegal method-2 and attempts to expel the Tenant by calling the police and asks the police to execute the above lease clause. How can the Tenant convince the police that the lease clause is unenforceable? What if the policeman has no experience and believes he/she has to execute the lease clause?