It is clear to anyone with a brain cell or two.

The community voted in this mayor because they wanted to have liberal democrat policies and values enacted. The mayor and his people are just doing what the community has asked.

You have several choices how to respond to this:

Get on the liberal train and run around spouting off about how unfair the agency is to blacks. Don't arrest any blacks. Don't do traffic stops on blacks. If you stop someone and then discover there is a black in the vehicle, apologize and let them leave immediately. Hide under a tree unless you see a white committing a crime, then drop the hammer on him. Otherwise, do as little work as possible, but vocally support the liberal changes to the's the liberal democrat way!

Or you can continue to cry out about injustice, arrest/ticket blacks because you have principles, etc. Then you will eventually get disciplined and maybe fired. Keep lying to yourself that aggressive and fair policing is what the silent majority of the community wants. If they wanted that, they wouldn't have voted this mayor into office. If you think that silent majority is going to suddenly become vocal supporters for aggressive policing or justice as a whole if the agency railroads you for working hard, you're in Fantasy Land. They are silent and they stay silent. If someone in the community opened his mouth to support the white police officer, the Times would slander them and call them a way anyone says a word as your career gets destroyed.

Or you can quit.