Is this is where the jurisdiction and investigative responsibilities of the USSS will be transferred under the master empire building plan of Big Sis? Will the protective responsibilities of the USSS be relegated to the DHS Office of Protective Operations?

Excerpted from: ... nforcement

"HSI was formerly known as the ICE Office of Investigations (OI). HSI Special Agents have legal authority to enforce the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act (Title 8), U.S. Customs Laws (Title 19), along with Titles 5, 6, 12, 18 (Federal Criminal Code and Rules), 21 (food & drugs), 22, 28, 31 (Money and Finance), 46, 49, and 50 (War and National Defense) statutes; giving them the broadest federal law enforcement jurisdiction of any agency. HSI has more than 8,500 Special Agents, making it the second largest federal investigative agency within the United States government next to the FBI.

The change of names from ICE OI to HSI was announced in June 2010. Still forthcoming, Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent badges will replace ICE Special Agent badges and credentials. HSI is mandated not to use ICE insignia's on memos, emails, and letterhead. HSI special agents will still wear ICE insignias on uniforms until the department has resources to replace them. Part of the reasoning behind the name change was to better describe the general activities of the agency, and to avoid the uninformed stigma that this agency only investigates immigration-related issues (ex. ERO agents/officers were often confused for OI/HSI special agents). Perhaps, too, it is speculated that because HSI is the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's primary investigative body, some think it will be pulled out from under the ICE umbrella one day and stand independent under the DHS."

Are we, the people, going to have to be on guard against encroachment of our liberty not only from Holder's Department of Selective Justice but now from Big Sis's Department of Homeland Security?

I am reminded of an admonishment from Benjamin Franklin. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Wake up Agents. Someday you will only be a citizen, or serf, your choice.