The moral of PPD is embarassingly low and our admin does not care a bit, it's like they want us to fail? Or does City Hall want us to fail by giving us poor leadership hoping they can consolodate our services with ECSO?

First it was 12 hours shifts, we were promised by Chip in lineup that we wouldn't lose positions, we would maintain what we had- Promise already broken

Ard's incident was the fist major "political issue" in quite some time. Admin told Ard they would stand behind him. Within days of that promise they change the Taser policy basically saying Ard was wrong, way to stand behind your guy!! -another promise broken

More recent, ole Chipper comes around and tells us he is "giving" us a day of rest!! Everyone gets excited, finally something to boost moral!! Great job Chipper!! What he lied to us about is he wasn't giving us a thing, we now have to come in 15 minutes earlier, to make our shift even longer, to earn the four hours for our day of rest. broken promise or outright lie??

Now the latest, no more chasing any bad guys period? Wow, is that admin telling us they aren't going to support any of us who are out trying to enforce the law or what? They don't want to have to deal with sticky issues cause they don't have the experience or knowledge gained from experience to explain what occurred to the public. I mean we have a Captain that as a Sergeant who threw his mag light at a kid in the village who was only guilty of running at the site of the police. The flashlight struck the kid in the back of the head knocking him out. I wonder what kind of charges were fabricated to cover his ass? Was there a new police on tossing flashlights at people? No, but another officer later get's written up for throwing a flashlight at a car that is fleeing from police throught a crowd of people. Chips boys get taken care of, the rest aren't. Time for "Change" folks. Let's get rid of the Chipper admin, let's let the City know how poor our admin is, and push for a Chief from the outside who may actually care about us.