Quote Originally Posted by BEACH COP
That's right, Ladies and Gents, Beach Cop is back. After a long absence from posting comments, I have decided to pull my monster spoon down off of the wall (my s%#t stirring spoon) and post. First, I would like to address the hilarious post about "Public Disparagement". Where is that statute????? Go to the Florida State Statute website and type in "Public Disparagement" in the search engine and see what pops up. NOTHING! I am unaware of ANY law that prohibits anyone from speaking the truth while involved in a conversation with another (as long as it is not case sensitive). The word is already on the street (and according to a few "little birdies" its getting to the right people) as to how little is being done by our upstairs to hold the department together. None of it is a lie, so bring on your IA's for your imaginary laws. Does the city really have enough money for yet ANOTHER lawsuit?
The second point I would like to address is telling people to "hang in there". WHY???? Even if the city can get finances back on track, is THIS a department that someone should give another 10, 20, or 30 years to? The department rewards incompetence, extreme laziness, unprofessionalism and down right stupidity! Maybe "back in the day" it was a great place to work and none of that was tollerated, but that was then and this is now. Work hard and do your job, you get kicked in the teeth. Do nothing and pout over everything, you get whatever you want.
So again, I ask, WHY???? Why stay? The names of a few that have applications in with other agencies are floating around, but what most don't know is MORE THAN 50% of patrol has active app's in RIGHT NOW! Not just "considering" it, they are currently in the process. Names that no one has ever mentioned about leaving, but they are. They see the problems, they stuck it out as long as they could and have finally had enough. So all of you die hards out there that LOVE looking down at anyone who has half a brain for not agreeing with everything that comes out of the third floor, go ahead and opine (that means express an opinion for the "non-educated folk") :snicker: :lol: Bring it! I shall remain silent no more!
"Opine"...yeah youre real smart because you steal words from the OReilly Factor.
First, Public Disparagement is not a criminal violation so you have a ball touching yourself as you search the statutes. It's an administrative violation so you can quit caling your lawyer.
Second, everyone can put 100 applications in to 100 agencies and they will get nothing and like it. No one is hiring and they certainly arent hiring lazy veterans with bad attitudes.
Third, dont like it? THEN QUIT!