You my friend are a baffoon. So what you are saying is that no one would vote for a woman? Or are you saying a woman could never be Sheriff. Choose carefully you words of ignorance and stupidity. Unfortunately, we are all forced to see your postings as we try to read intelligent postings.
YOUR Sheriff is out of control. Your ignorance is fueling that egomaniacs drive. The issue is that many, like YOU, do not read and look into what you are fed to believe by Lord Vader. What he has done to the contract negotiations is a perfect example of the "above the law bully" mentality. You my friend must be classified as a sheep, unable to think or lead yourself.
Stop with the useless postings that mock a person because of their name. Unless you would like to post your own, then we can all dissect the make up of why you were named.
I hope others will steer clear of the propaganda and simply vote based on knowledge and individual opinion.