Quote Originally Posted by Leisure Services
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hey Tom and Doug when you go to the Xmas party BETTER TAKE A CAB HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cops don't go to the christmas party! EC might though.
May want to think about reserving a cab for commissioner joe angelo. Remember how he got carried out of last years festive holiday celebration. Man that was ugly. Maybe we should order a strecher or gurny for him this year as he celebrates to get him back home. Or pile him in the back of Opie's, excuse me, mayor newtons pick up truck and slide him off the truck bed ( after it is all lubed up) in his driveway.Oh yea joe, how are our merit raises and benefits coming along. Worry more about people feeding the lizards than people who are providing the services in this city you two faced weasel.
Okay-Now this discussion has gone far enough. How can you compare the distinguished Wilton Manors City Commissioner Joe Angelo to a weasel. Yes he is a two faced backstabber who is HATED by his co- workers and I am told a vast majority of the city workers who work in Wilton Manors. But to compare him to a weasel.That is going way out of bounds. Those who have known him and worked with him for many, many years know that he is more into gerbils than anything else. :wink: