Quote Originally Posted by Really2
I totally agree with "Really." I love it when she calls for the gossip even when she is on the clock. I just love her when she says shes the "Director (of PBA)" don't yall?! I am so proud she has risen through the ranks..oopps...nevermind...she hasn't...I was gonna say through the ranks to "Director." Anyway do what we did once next time she calls transfer her to the captain's office and listen...the captain will say..hello?! hello? hello?! hum, they must have hung up." It is hilarious! Hey KLEENEX are you still out there?!
I've spoken with her many times and always on her personal phone. Never heard her say she is the director, I think the term she uses is board member. Give an instance when she called you for gossip and I'll ask her about it. The green eyes of jealously must look really good on you or is it just the sad eyes of a miserable sad life that make it necessary for you to be mean.