So as I go through the hiring process and start preparing for the possible acceptance to the academy...Is there anything that I should prepare for? My classroom skills I am not bad in the physical might be an issue for my age (38) not a spring chicken like the young kids going in at 21. I do hit the gym 5 days a week and work on cardio as well running about 2.5 miles every other day.

I know the academy will not be a cake walk, I know the badge is earned and not given. I know that they have to break you down in order to build you up into being a good officer. I know not to take the ridicule personally its part of the training. I believe in hard work and no short cuts, I am a strong believer in teamwork and never have I turned my back on a teammate that needed help. If I can get a few pointers from you guys who already went through some of the do's and don'ts I would really appreciate it. I've never wanted anything so badly...and at my age I don't have many chances at this. So any pointer would be welcomed I promise to thank you once I get through and have earned the right to call myself and Officer for the City of Miami.