I knew I made the wrong the decision to work here once Jeff said I needed to read 2 books on his philisophy of law enforcement. "Give'em the pickle" what a joke....LOL and other is even worse "Who moved the cheese" neither one of them instills a warrior mentality or integrity. But this guy and his Admin., expect every deputy to have a retail management ideal of kissing everyone's a$$, because thats what one of the books praises, how freaking ridiculous is that???? The other book is just an ideal of picking where your personality lies in comparison to four mice. That makes sense don't it? mice or deputy hmmm, I'm not really sure now that your making me read this book that I would't even read If i was on the thrown......

Hey Jeff, here's a clue "The customer is always right in retail mgmt." sure i agree but in law enforcement??? (NO WAY) any agency NOT in Mayberry knows that.

And its proven your administration will back a drunk beligerant complainant over a deputy just about any day of the week.

Good luck trying to recruit experienced people with that Mickey Mouse mentality..............