what is it going to take? - Page 2
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  1. #11


    name one officer with 5, 10, or 15 years experience that's a go getter.

  2. #12

    to onlooker

    Are you asking this as a serious question?

    Try asking, "in the history of this department, has it taken officers with little to no experience and placed them in specialty units over more qualified and/or experienced officers"? You can go back as recently as this year or throughout the time the current administration has been in office.

    How about, "Has any SOP been manipulated, ignored, or used for/against an officer who happens to be in/out of favor of the administration"?

  3. #13

    Re: ?

    Quote Originally Posted by on looker
    name one officer with 5, 10, or 15 years experience that's a go getter.
    I agree the newer officers run circles around the ones who have been here longer. Maybe if they got off their high horses for awhile and did their job with out complaint they would get more. :idea:

  4. #14


    Whitney, You just need to come to work on a regular basis and work harder. We see your stats and Blade does more than you. I want your job and you are making it easy.

  5. #15

    Re: ?

    ok...how about one w/20 yrs experience....129...he runs circles around most.....

    Quote Originally Posted by on looker
    name one officer with 5, 10, or 15 years experience that's a go getter.

  6. #16
    ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! And he rarely complains and always has a smile on his face!

  7. #17
    don't get me wrong, he is a good guy and a good cop, but think about it, he is lucky to have a job. People have been fired for aaaaalllllloooottttt lesser things.

  8. #18
    How much trouble he has or has not been in, or will get in in the future is not the question....it still does not dispute the fact that he runs circles around most guys half his age, stats don't lie....besides...maybe people have been fired for a llllllooooottttt less because they were ccccrrrraaaapppyyyy officers in the first place who command was just looking for a reason to fire....ever think of that?

  9. #19
    the point was that he is active, unlike all other veterans (so to speak), is because "he is lucky to have a job, and he knows it". I do think he is one of the better cops here. Others feel they are owed, or are disgruntled because they have been passed over by rooks.

  10. #20
    All though I have not worked here as many yrs as a lot of other officers, my understanding is, from supervisors and other veteran officers, that he has always been proactive and enthusiastic about his duties - not just recently. I do not believe recent events (which really are not that recent - it has been quite a while now) have had any bearing on his performance as an officer. He took his medicine, w/out any complaining (unlike most would do), and came back w/as much intensity as he has always shown. He knows his job and does it, regardless, it's just how he is - it's not because he's "thankful he even has a job" it's because he's a good officer.

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