This is to offer a warm welcome to Active and Retired Agents, Officers and Civilians who have an affiliation with the United States Secret Service.

Comments from others are also welcome, but please don't waste time asking for "inside" information about Service operational matters or the private lives of those protected by the Service. You will just be wasting your time.

This forum is intended to provide information, advice, ideas, etc. which will enhance and improve the lives of those who visit here.

Gripes, criticism and suggestions for improvement are permitted, but anonymous personal attacks will be deleted. Please read and follow the Conditions of Use regarding this board.

Note that you have the option of registering or posting anonymously. If you register you have access to more options than those who are anonymous, including exchanging personal messages with other registered users, receiving e-mail from other users, etc.

If you post anonymously you can use the same screen name repeatedly or a different screen name every time you post.

First time users are advised to check out the general instructions about navagating around the board.

Also, remember that you are not restricted to the Secret Service site. You can visit, and post on, any site on the board.

Again, Welcome - and enjoy!