"Systemic Racism" is false.
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  1. #1
    Badge Heavy

    "Systemic Racism" is false.

    DOJ study finds no “Systemic Racism” in arrest data.
    Data from the U.S. Department of Justice ( https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-c...ce-11614969593) shows that there is no “Systemic Racism” in policing and arrest rates by demographic groups. Specifically, whites accounted for 48% of offenders and 46% of arrestees, blacks 35% of offenders and 33% of arrestees, Asians 2% of offenders and 1% of arrestees. It is important to note that most crime suspects are identified by the victims – not by the police.

    Mr. Biden is wrong, Nancy Pelosi is wrong, Bernie Sanders is wrong and anyone who pushes the “Systemic Racism” by the police narrative is simply ignorant and prejudiced.

  2. #2
    That’s why you will never be given an example of it or a single change. Only that it exist because a bunch of white liberals coined the term. Right up there with cultural appropriation.


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