Why does the Beach drive around with their lights on?
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  1. #1

    Why does the Beach drive around with their lights on?

    Hey guys. Just wondering what the reasoning of marked units driving around with their lights on. Do you want to catch bad guys or scare them away?

    Stay safe!

  2. #2
    Ask our “amazing” administration who came up with this bright idea to drive around with our cruise lights on. The bad guys can see us coming from a mile away. Another example of a poor management decision.

  3. #3
    And the vindictive Fuchs rigged it so you you hear an annoying beep if you shut them off. That system is to let you know that your lights are on not off lol. So the beatings will continue until morale improves is even evident by “they will have the lights on or we will get them so miserable (common theme) that they will keep them on.”

  4. #4
    Happy to see that all this high visibility has put a dent in violent crime. NOT!!!

  5. #5
    It’s time for an intervention. Have the 42 QRX at 11th and Meridian.

  6. #6
    The lights on are for high visibility. But it’s not so the bad guys see police and leave, because we all know that doesn’t work. It’s so the cry baby residents see police and feel warm and fuzzy that the cops are around.


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